
英 [ˈsɪmɪliz]

n.  明喻; 明喻的运用


  1. 明喻
    A simile is an expression which describes a person or thing as being similar to someone or something else. For example, the sentences 'She runs like a deer' and 'He's as white as a sheet' contain similes.


    1. Of all of these similes, it seems that the link with wolves, bears and lions is the most common and the most enduring, having been part of the language for the longest time.
    2. There are lots of Hungry as similes in the English language, and many of them are animal-based.
    3. Make a mnemonic device to help you remember things you often forget. Similes and metaphors are fun to use!
    4. In a spectacular way, the large number of epic similes found in The Iliad contributes to the sublime and grand style of the epic.
    5. Similes and images abounding, Mr Sullivan spins tales out of a few details.
    6. An affectedly elegant literary style of the late16th and early17th centuries, characterized by elaborate alliteration, antitheses, and similes.
    7. It is inconceivable that a software programme can translate metaphors, similes, innuendos and colloquial phrases.
    8. Ms Oswald translates Homer's similes literally, but paraphrases the rest, creating a modernised version that delights in the unexpected.
    9. I conceive you to be now commending the similes.
    10. The kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories.
    11. Neither can the mind be explained by similes and parables.
    12. On the Chinese-to-English Translation of Similes and Metaphors
    13. Chapter five analyzes the features of folk adages, its translation, and enigmatic folk similes.
    14. Secondly, based on the analysis of metaphors, the study presents that the following linguistic forms can trigger poetic effects, including creative metaphors, similes based on creative metaphors and part of novel co-occurrences of lexical items, and unfinished sentences which interest the audience.
    15. On the image retaining and conversion of animal similes and metaphors in E-C translation
    16. Translation of Puns, Nonce Words, Parodies, Similes and Metaphors in English Advertisements
    17. On English and Chinese Phrases and Expressions in Similes
    18. Using similes, the English speakers and Chinese speakers share many commonness, as well as exist some differences.
    19. With similes and metaphors that are partially equivalent in form, the English version is preferable to a word-for-word translation;
    20. In the course of the introduction of Buddhism to China, these metaphors and similes were inescapably influenced by Chinese and Indian cultures.
    21. Secondly, general literature sees many abstract similes due to their various psychological characteristics while simliles in children's literature mostly belong to figurative similes.
    22. Therefore in this thesis some similes and metaphors from The Golden Cangue and The Great Gatsby are cited and analyzed in the context.
    23. While his intention is to implore Salome to dance for him, Herod ends up delivering a capricious, repetitious and intensely self-conscious monologue. He leaps between symbols, similes, metaphors and occasional puns.
    24. 40 undergraduates were asked to fill in a questionnaire. They need transcribe some similes and metaphors cited from the two novels.
    25. The result of the questionnaire and the analysis on similes and metaphors are identical.
    26. This thesis explores the distinctions between similes and metaphors, the two most common figures of speech in language.
    27. Similes and metaphors are both figures of comparison, however, they are different in essence.
    28. Many researchers at home and abroad have made further studies on the distinctions between similes and metaphors. They found distinctions syntactically or with respect to the relationship between the tenor and the vehicle.
    29. For the purpose of exact and concinnity, we should use different ways of translation on the basis of the difference in the similes.
    30. It is usual to study similes and metaphors with little reference to discourse context.