I heard that a new sitcom is coming out next season. 我听说下一季会推出一个新的情景喜剧。
From a media perspective, she brought up the example of Chandler on the sitcom Friends. 从媒体的角度,她举了情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)中钱德勒作为例证。
How about that new sitcom? 那看新的喜剧怎么样呢?好吧!
It's like the opposite of the episode in every sitcom where someone has to hide a goat. 这就像一个反面情景喜剧一样,每一个都藏有一只山羊。
Viewers are complaining that dialogue and scenes have been copied from the US hit sitcom Friends and other TV shows. 观众纷纷抱怨,剧中的许多对话和场景都明显在抄袭热门美剧《老友记》和其他电视节目。
Hugs all round-because we can reveal that Friends is back for a big-screen version of the hit sitcom. 超级大热门情景喜剧《老友记》要出电影版了!让我们拥抱庆祝吧!
Our creation is not plagiarism, but more a homage to the American sitcom. 我们的创作不是剽窃,而是对美国情景喜剧的一种致敬。
When watching a sitcom like How I Met Your Mother, people often identify themselves with a character. 当你在看情景喜剧时,比如《老爸老妈浪漫史》,人们通常把自己看做是剧中的一员。
Con: My second sitcom got canceled after five minutes. 弊:我第二次出演情景喜剧就在五分钟后被撤下了。
Besides Reba, Garcia recently appeared on Royal Pains and last season's short-lived NBC sitcom Animal Practice. 并且除了Reba,Garcia最近也出现在RoyalPains以及NBC的短篇情景喜剧AnimalPractice的最终季中。
The sitcom How I Met Your Mother also has used many catchphrases which have become very popular in American Culture. 情景喜剧《老爸老妈浪漫史》中也应用了众多口头禅,这些口头禅在美国文化中非常流行。
The vocabulary can be colloquial and formal depending on the sitcom you watch. 所学词汇可以是通俗口语性的,也可以是正式体的,取决于你所观看的情景剧的场景。
ABC is reviving a plan to make a sitcom based on Justin Bieber's life. ABC再次计划把JustinBieber的真实生活拍成一部情景喜剧。
My favorite sitcom is about a bunch of friends at a bar. 我最喜欢的情景喜剧讲的是一群朋友在酒吧的事。
Go to the movies, watch your favorite sitcom, and share a chocolate sundae with a friend. 看一场电影;欣赏一段你最喜欢的情景喜剧;和朋友共享一杯巧克力圣代。
Sitcom shows tend to be about ordinary people. 情境喜剧往往和一般大众息息相关。那个喜剧演员大多是即兴表演。
Later he starred in TV sitcom and became a popular figure. 后来主演电视剧大受欢迎,一炮而红。
A sitcom is half an hour long and it airs weekly. 每出情境喜剧是半个小时的长度,而且每个礼拜都会播出。
Tom likes cartoon, his mother likes soap opera and his father likes sitcom. 汤姆喜欢卡通节目。他的妈妈喜欢肥皂剧而他的爸爸喜欢连续剧。
In fact, I don't like sitcom. 事实上,我不喜欢情景喜剧。
Friends executive producers Marta kuaffman and David crane also created the adult sitcom dream on. 《老友记》的执行制片人玛尔塔考夫曼和戴维克兰也创作过情景喜剧《继续梦寻》。
People were mad about the star of TV's Mad About You from the moment the sitcom premiered in1992. 自1992年电视情景喜剧《我为卿狂》首播的那刻起,人们就为剧中的主演倾倒。
This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong tv. 这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。
Skit and sitcom actor Zhao Benshan is in the sixth place. 小品演员赵本山位居第六。
I'm way overdue for a promotion. I've made so many lateral moves, I'm beside myself& Gary Apple, TV sitcom writer. 我早该被提升了。我做了太多的横向移动,我在自己旁边&加里。爱普,电视情景喜剧作家。
Fortunately, I found a very famous English sitcom at a website. 幸运的是,我在一个网站上发现了一部非常有名的情景剧。
Your life is not a sitcom. 你的生活不是情景喜剧。
I heard that a new sitcom is coming at the next season. 我听说下季度将会有一部新的情景喜剧。
Gordon: The three of us living together? That sounds like a sitcom. 戈登:我们三个人住在一起,怎么那么象情景戏剧里的情节啊?
It was just an average family sitcom. 只不过是一个很普通的家庭喜剧。