
英 [slæps] 美 [slæps]

n.  (用手掌)打,拍,掴; 拍打声; 类似拍打的声音
v.  (用手掌)打,拍,掴; (尤指生气地)啪的一声放下,随意扔放; 啪地击打(或撞上)


  1. VERB 掌掴;用巴掌拍;打…耳光
    If you slap someone, you hit them with the palm of your hand.
    1. He would push or slap her once in a while...
    2. I slapped him hard across the face...
    3. He was slapping a woman around and I objected.
    4. Slap is also a noun.
    5. He reached forward and gave her a slap.
  2. VERB (友好地)拍(…的后背)
    If you slap someone on the back, you hit them in a friendly manner on their back.
    1. A large middle-aged lady slapped me on the back and said 'Nice to see you again.'
  3. VERB (迅速或马虎地)涂,抹,贴
    If you slap something onto a surface, you put it there quickly, roughly, or carelessly.
    1. The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.
  4. VERB (不合理或草率地)施加(赋税、禁令等)
    If journalists say that the authorities slap something such as a tax or a ban on something, they think it is unreasonable or put on without careful thought.
    1. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs...
    2. Thankfully the Government still hasn't discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air.
  5. PHRASE 打击;侮辱;一记耳光
    If you describe something that someone does as a slap in the face, you mean that it shocks or upsets you because it shows that they do not support you or respect you.
    1. 'The Sun' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government...
    2. Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
      英国人坚持认为加薪不到 5%不啻于一种羞辱。
  6. PHRASE 轻微的警告;轻微的惩罚
    A slap on the wrist is a warning or a punishment that is not very severe.
    1. The fine they gave her is just more or less a slap on the wrist.


  1. Judge Jed radkoff bashed the SEC for its policy of allowing banks to get off with slaps on the wrist.
  2. So, before the world gets the better of you and slaps a title on your forehead, create a unique Manifesto of what you think you are.
  3. The site says: You can submit your own website, a website of your ex-client or the page of the rest home from your grandma who slaps you every time you visit her.
  4. 'You told me I had to have it later,' screams one outraged boy in his underwear before attacking his mother with a flurry of slaps.
  5. I wanted to give some slaps to myself once I saw my looking in the company, it made me afraid to go to the bathroom when I was working.
  6. We heard the slaps and plunges of people in the water
  7. Shocked and outraged, she jumps up and slaps him hard.
  8. And when the chimpanzee slaps the lever, it gets some food.
  9. Dukkha arises and, because we do not see it, it conquers and enslaves us, it sits on our head and slaps our face, but if we can see it, know it and understand it, then it cannot defeat us.
  10. And she slaps a restraining order on you.
  11. If China slaps a ban on several key imports from South Korea, our entire economy can be shaken.
  12. US slaps duties on steel pipe from China.
  13. She slaps him in the face and says snap out of it.
  14. In short, whenever the EU gets a chance, it slaps Asia in the face.
  15. When the rabbit scoots away from the fox, or John runs from the lord, the narrator slaps his hands sharply together, with the left sliding off the right palm in a forward direction& a manual trademark of the Negro raconteur.
  16. Unable to deal with her, he turned to hating himself and was tempted to give himself a few hard slaps.
  17. Grandma said," shut up, you!", and leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual, back-handed slaps on my mouth.
  18. Worse, Moscow slaps a ban on exports.
  19. Noreen is now engaged to Russ, and one day Dave slaps Russ in the face with gloves.
  20. Also her face had become swollen because of the slaps, and her puffy lips thickened her speech.
  21. Then after you put in the tail block, you glue the top and the back [ slaps hands together]. Strengthen DSM to relieve power utility pressure effectively
  22. It is a time machine where the past slaps us in the face, and if we linger, things happen to our safe ideas.
  23. There was a round of forehead slaps from the other Team-members.
  24. Suppose she ups and slaps your face?
  25. Many of us were taught that when someone slaps you, you should turn the other cheek.
  26. And then he shaves, dresses, and leaves for work. I received two slaps on the face myself.
  27. Nancy rips Denise's Tshirt off and slaps her in the breasts with her right hand and then again with her left.
  28. Next morning I bought a copy of the bible for Geeta and told her what Christ had said – if somebody slaps you on the right cheek, turn your left to him.