安慰;慰藉;给以安慰的人(或事物) a feeling of emotional comfort when you are sad or disappointed; a person or thing that makes you feel better or happier when you are sad or disappointed
He sought solace in the whisky bottle. 他借酒浇愁。
She turned to Rob for solace. 她到罗布那儿寻求慰藉。
His grandchildren were a solace in his old age. 他晚年从孙儿们身上得到安慰。
She finds solace of a kind in alcohol. 她从酒精中多少得到一些安慰。
I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago 我父亲3年前去世的时候,我从写作中找到了安慰。
Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink. 亨利往往借酒消愁。
She found the companionship of Marcia a solace. 她觉得马西娅的陪伴是莫大的安慰。
He had no solace to give, no answer for her pain. 面对她的哀痛,他觉得自己无法给予任何的安慰或者回答。
His career took a nosedive and he turned to drink and drugs for solace. 他的事业一落千丈,开始酗酒吸毒以寻求慰借。
I don't know how to solace his grief. 我不知道如何安慰他使之减轻悲痛。
Therefore, he lost God and solace as well. 所以他失去了上帝,也失去了安慰。
Let me be Your solace, To embrace Your lonely sighs. 我愿是您凭借,抚慰您孤单叹息。
And I will stand behind you as your solace. 我会在你身后使你得到安慰。
Edmond found some solace in these ideas. 爱德蒙从这个念头上获得了一些安慰。
May I seek solace in your monastery for a night's rest? 我可以在你的修道院里过一夜吗?
And would you deny me this little solace? 你不会让我这个小小的安慰都得不到吧?
I felt guilty at first about the solace I took from work. 刚开始我觉得从工作中获得安慰有一种内疚感。
From the support and the solace of true companionship he was utterly cut off. 至于真正伴侣的帮助和安慰,他是完全绝缘了。
There was peace and solace all around her. 在她身边只有静谧和安慰。
She was being made to feel like a condemned prisoner, without friend or solace in all the world. 她觉得就象是受到谴责的囚犯,在这世界上,没有朋友,没有安慰。
What solace is there for students going through this particular agony, and their anxious parents? 有什么可以安慰即将经历这非凡痛苦的学生们,以及他们忧心忡忡的父母?
He began to find solace in prayer. 他开始在祈祷中找到慰藉。
They are they property and the solace of mankind. 他的诗歌是人类的财富和慰藉。
Women give us solace, but if it be not for women we shall never need solace. 女人给予我们安慰,但没了女人,我们是决不会需要安慰的呢。
The chaplain tried to solace the wounded and dying during the battle. 在战斗中牧师安慰伤员和即将死去的人。
He just seemed to get some sort of solace being here. 他好像就是想在这获得点安慰。
I found some solace in my books. 我在书中找到一些安慰。
From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace. 我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。
Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion. 我记忆所及,自然一直是我抚慰,激励,奇遇和欢乐之源;是一个家,老师和伴侣。
I usually solace myself with music. 我通常用音乐抚慰自己。
You can't let a dying man take solace in his beliefs? 你就不能让个垂死之人从信仰中寻求慰藉吗?
I want only the pleasure of your company, the solace of your kisses when I am lonely. 我孤单时,只想做你的快乐的伙伴,只要你吻的安慰。
King: Thank you. I take great solace from that. 国王;谢谢你。我因为这个感到很大的安慰。