Confucius was one of the world's first teachers to promote the joy of music as an important part of education, so it is fitting that our last song and this songbook be dedicated to him. 孔子是世界上最早的老师之一,他宣传快乐的音乐是教育的一个重要组成部分。所以,让我们把最后这首歌和这本歌曲集献给孔子吧。
Please look here to download our sample songbook and to read more information about why and how we use songs in our classroom. 此处下载歌曲样本;了解我们为什么以及怎样在课堂上使用这些歌曲。
The present thesis tries to illustrate Yinguo Baoying Thought existence significance in Hanchuan-Shanshu by analysis the modern performance songbook. 本論文试通过分析现代的表演唱本,來說明在《汉川善书》中的果报思想表现及其存在的意义。
For his first outing as a recording artist, he turned to the Great American Songbook and some of the most romantic melodies of our time. 这是他第一次担当拍摄的艺术家,继而他转向了《美国伟大的歌曲》并给我们带来了最浪漫的旋律。
Though it has been included in a songbook and sung by some people, there is not much research on it and there even exist some misunderstandings. 虽然清凉歌一再被收入有关歌曲集,也一再被传唱,但对它的研究则不多,有之亦不系统、不全面,甚至有认识上的偏颇。