v. 把…绕到线轴上(或从线轴上绕下来); 假脱机(尤指打印前出现的操作情况) spool的过去分词和过去式
These print classes are used to retrieve lists of spooled files, output queues, printers, and other print resources. 这些打印类用于检索后台打印文件、输出队列、打印机以及其他打印资源的列表。
These classes can also work with output queues and spooled files, answer messages for spooled files and do other print related tasks. 这些类还可以处理输出队列和后台打印文件,回答后台打印文件的消息,执行其他打印相关任务。
The bsh job queue now allows a spooled job to be processed on each available device; if two devices are available, then two jobs can be processed simultaneously, one on each device. bsh作业队列现在可以在每个可用的设备上处理一个假脱机的作业:如果有两个可用设备,就可以同时处理两个作业,每个设备一个作业。
Additionally, classes are provided to create new spooled files on the system, and to generate SCS printer data streams. 另外,还提供一些类来在系统上创建新的后台打印文件,生成SCS打印机数据流。
This language belong to the privileged class, and she is a nouveau riche, just get the permit to study this, I spooled. 我认为这可能是上流阶层独有的语言,而她是个暴发户,刚刚得到学习这种语言的资格。
Directing punched spooled output 指向穿孔假脱机输出
We offer spooled, unjacketed optical fiber primarily for those interested in making their own assemblies. 我们也为那些对制造他们自己光纤感兴趣的人提供最初缠绕线轴、有封套的光纤。
Spooled output destination device 假脱机输出目标设备
Add Spooled Records to the post list. 将后台记录添加到贴子列表。
On output, data are spooled to disk and later dumped to the printer. 在输出时,数据以伪脱机的方式送给磁盘,而后转出给打印机。
The film be spooled for use. 胶片已卷好待用了。
The name property contains the name of the printer to which the print job is being spooled. name属性含有处理后台打印的打印机的名称。
Switching power off will erase print data remaining in the printer or print information spooled in its memory. 关闭电源后,残留在印表机内的列印资料或暂存在机器记忆体的列印资料将被清除。
The boy spooled the kite string. 这男孩缠绕风筝线于线轴之上。
Ferriere Nord Spooled Bar-in-coil Line: the First Spooler Plant in Industrial Operation FerriereNord棒卷生产线:工业化运行中的第一台工字轮式卷取设备
It is necessary to ensure matching of the velocity between the spooling and the releasing and stability of the wire tension in order to improve spooling quality and quality coherence of the clews spooled by the wire spooling device. 利用线团复绕设备绕制的线团产品,要提高线团绕制质量并保证其质量一致性,需要在复绕过程中保证收、放线线速度匹配和导线张力的稳定。
System described in this article is to use the C/ S structure development, and therefore the front-end provided the operating our main interface for the user, is spooled data. 本文所介绍的系统是使用C/S结构进行开发的,因此在前端我们主要为用户提供操作交互界面,在后台处理数据。