
(stabilise 的第三人称 -s形式) (使)稳定, (使)安定, (使)坚固
vt. 装稳定器
stabilise 的第三人称单数


  1. Investor appetite for IPOs should remain intact when the market stabilises, as there is still abundant liquidity.
  2. Oil prices should start to level out and then to slide, as economies soften and the US dollar stabilises.
  3. Nomura bankers are more bullish, confident of decent profits as business stabilises and efficiencies come through.
  4. If the Twitter service stabilises it's likely to win over people permanently because of its simplicity and playfulness.
  5. Kroeber predicts that China is at the point when its investment ratio stabilises and then declines while consumption begins to pick up steam.
  6. If the price of oil stabilises, I believe we can weather the financial crisis at limited cost in terms of real activity.
  7. After exposure, the paper can be processed within twenty seconds in a simple processor which activates and stabilises the paper.
  8. The rudder is a control surface that steers and stabilises the boat.
  9. Energy vinegar absorbs life's luminescence, nourishes the body, enhances energy and motivation, provides stability of mind and spirit, gives clarity of thought, and stabilises the emotions.
  10. Some investment bankers believe that Chinese companies could act before the global economy stabilises.
  11. If the euro stabilises, China could yet allow the renminbi to drift higher against the dollar.
  12. Overseas investments by Chinese companies will rebound strongly once the global economy stabilises, possibly in the second half of next year, according to a study published yesterday.
  13. Pressure to reduce costs could also lead to further consolidation once the industry stabilises.
  14. They conclude that unless mankind rapidly stabilises greenhouse gas emissions and starts reducing them, it will have little chance of keeping global warming within manageable limits.
  15. They said retail prices could also keep climbing even if wholesale food inflation stabilises, as companies pass on previous increases to consumers.
  16. Designing insurance that stabilises financial systems and sovereign finances in a crisis is tricky, but not impossible.
  17. Dynamic Stability Control ( DSC) recognises the onset of a skid and stabilises the vehicle within milliseconds.
  18. Standard Poor's has sounded the alarm over the creditworthiness of some Asian countries, saying they are at risk of debt downgrades even if the global economy stabilises.
  19. That put the national debt on a downward path as a share of GDP, whereas Mr Obama only stabilises it, at73% by2021.
  20. As the economy stabilises you must shrink this base as fast as credit revives otherwise, deflation will be replaced by inflation.
  21. Richard Syron, chairman and chief executive, said the housing crisis was only at its half-way point, with prices expected to decline nationally by up to 20 per cent before the market stabilises.
  22. The basis of the 4 trillion yuan investment makes the national economy gradually stabilises, picks up, all industries gradually entered the rapid development.