If you arent building towards something, youre probably stagnating. 如果你没有努力的目标,你可能会停滞不前。
Indeed, if you have felt that your career has been stagnating over past months and wondered why you were not able to make substantial progress, you can blame a weak Saturn. 确实,如果在过去的数月里,你的职业迟滞不前,而你也想知道为甚无法取得持续性进展,你就把它归咎给疲弱的土星吧。
You have been stagnating for some time now and you need a change of pace. 你有停滞一段时间了,需要改变下节奏。
Faced with rapidly ageing populations and slowing employment growth, mature economies need to boost productivity sharply if they are to escape stagnating living standards. 面对人口迅速老龄化以及就业增长放缓,成熟经济体如果想摆脱生活水平停滞不前的问题,就需要大幅提高生产率。
This immigration surge boosted Singapore's population by nearly 32% since 2000 and helped its economy grow at an average annual rate of about 6% in the past decade, but also contributed to rising living costs and stagnating low-end wages. 移民潮将新加坡人口数量在2000年基础上提高了近32%,帮助新加坡经济在过去10年实现了每年约6%的增长,但它也成为生活成本上涨、低端岗位工资停滞不前的原因之一。
This stalling appears to be the result of slowing demand in recent years, which caused a drop in productive use of resources that is possibly related to a combination of market rigidities and stagnating innovation, according to the Conference Board. 世界大企业联合会表示:这种停滞似乎是近几年来需求放缓的结果,它导致资源的生产性利用下滑,这可能与市场僵化和创新停滞有关。
They are not stagnating, like Brazil, or contracting, like Russia. 它们没有像巴西那样增长停滞,也没有像俄罗斯那样收缩。
Instead of merely stagnating, output would have fallen and the real costs of debt to the public would have risen, in a lethal downward spiral. 结果将不只是经济停滞,而是会形成致命的下降螺旋,不但产出减少,公共债务的实际成本也会上升。
Despite austerity, underlying borrowing is stagnating at very high levels. 尽管采取了财政紧缩,基本借贷仍维持在很高的水平。
But the dominant economic fact for middle-class families in the 2000s was not rising taxes. It was stagnating wages and slowing upward mobility. 但在本世纪头十年,中产阶级家庭面临的主要经济现实不是税率日益上升,而是工资停止增长和向上流动性变缓。
I feel I'm stagnating in this job. 我觉得我干这份工作没什麽前途。
My career was stagnating and I knew it was time for a move. 我的事业停滞不前,我知道该是动一动的时候了。
The policy hides the rising cost of health benefits from workers, who perceive it as stagnating wages instead. 这项政策向员工隐瞒了医疗保险日益攀升的成本,使得他们只看到薪酬的停滞不前。
The means of achieving increased savings in a period of declining or stagnating income is why hopes for a V-shaped recovery in the economy will not be fulfilled. 这种在收入下降或停滞时期实现储蓄增长的手段,正是经济呈v型复苏的希望无法成真的原因所在。
Too many people sit at home stagnating after they retire. 有太多的人退休后整天坐在家里无所事事。
Nothing. I know we've been stagnating for years. 没什么,我们好久没有倾心的聊聊了。
It was initiated by Mr Paulson in an effort to contain rising Sinophobia in the US Congress, which increasingly blames China for America's economic problems, from its huge current account deficit to stagnating real incomes. 该对话机制是由保尔森发起的,旨在抑制美国国会内部不断升温的中国恐惧症。从巨大的经常账户赤字,到美国人停滞的实际收入,美国国会日趋将美国经济问题归咎于中国。
These figures, taken at a time when the economy was stronger, corporate profits were soaring but wages stagnating revealed a bleak picture of a German workforce that was failing to enjoy the fruits of its labour. 上述统计进行之时,德国经济要强劲得多,企业利润大幅攀升,职工薪酬却停滞不前。这些数据揭露出一番凄凉景象:德国的劳动者一直未能享受到自己的劳动果实。
RAISING unemployment benefits would help kick-start the stagnating Scottish economy, a leading expert has claimed. 一位知名专家称,提高失业补贴可以刺激处在停滞状态的苏格兰经济。
The report depicts a diverse continent, with several countries making remarkable progress, some stagnating and others lagging seriously behind. 该报告描绘了一个发展水平参差不齐的大陆-有些国家取得了显著的进展,有些国家停滞不前,还有些国家则明显滞后。
Rice and wheat are important for southern Asia's food security, but yields have recently been stagnating and soil quality deteriorating. 水稻和小麦对南亚的粮食安全有很重要的作用,然而粮食产量近来却越来越萧条,土壤质量逐渐恶化。
Weak demand from stagnating economies has put downward pressure on prices. 增长停滞的经济体对稀土需求疲弱,已对价格构成了下行压力。
Stagnating wages, it said, could in addition undermine the financial stability of the social security system, which is funded through levies on employers and employees calculated as a percentage of gross wages. 该组织表示,此外,停滞不前的薪资还可能影响社会保障体系的财务稳定性。该体系的资金来源,由政府按照总薪资百分比向雇主和雇员征收。
As for those lucky enough to have jobs, pay is stagnating. 至于那些幸运得到工作的人来说,工资却停滞不前。
In 1997 the "tigers" had been stagnating for years. 到1997年,亚洲经济小虎们的经济停滞局面已经持续了数年。
This is because of premium rates stagnating or declining in many areas, while the supply of insurance and reinsurance remains high. 这是因为许多领域的保险费率停滞不前或出现下降,与此同时保险和再保险的供应依然偏高。
Despite several years of belt-tightening, growth in Europe is stagnating and millions are still out of work. 尽管已连续数年勒紧腰带,但欧洲的经济增长仍陷于停滞,数以百万计的人仍找不到工作。
But stagnating local production would mean more imports would be needed, Jain added. 吉恩又说,但是由于国内产量停滞不前,进口量需要进一步提高。