n. 桩; 标桩; 篱笆桩; 火刑柱; 股本; 股份 v. (就某事)以…打赌,拿…冒险; 用桩支撑 stake的第三人称单数和复数
PHRASE 处于危险境地;处于成败关头 If something is at stake, it is being risked and might be lost or damaged if you are not successful.
The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake... 对于一场成败攸关的比赛来说气氛自然非常紧张。
At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks... 世界贸易谈判正处于成败的重要关头。
At stake are more than 20,000 jobs in Britain's aerospace sector. 英国航天部门 2 万多人面临失业的危险。
N-PLURAL (比赛或行动的)赌注,风险 The stakes involved in a contest or a risky action are the things that can be gained or lost.
The game was usually played for high stakes between two large groups... 游戏通常在两大集团之间进行,下的赌注一般都很大。
By arresting the organisation's two top leaders the government and the army have now raised the stakes... 逮捕了该组织的两名主要头目后,政府和军队现在面临的风险更大了。
For Mr Blair the political stakes could hardly have been higher. 对布莱尔来说,这已经是最高的政治赌注了。
VERB 将…押(在…);以…打赌;拿…冒险 If you stake something such as your money or your reputation on the result of something, you risk your money or reputation on it.
He has staked his political future on an election victory... 他把自己的政治前途押在竞选获胜上。
He has staked his reputation on the outcome. 他将自己的名声赌在了这个结果上。
N-COUNT 利害关系;重大利益;(企业等中的)股本,股份 If you have a stake in something such as a business, it matters to you, for example because you own part of it or because its success or failure will affect you.
He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts... 他渴望回到一个更多参与创业的角色,那样他所付出的努力会与自己的经济利益息息相关。
Detectives now believe the Mafia also had a stake in the plot and killed him when it went wrong. 侦探们现在相信黑手党在这个阴谋中也有利害关系,并在事败后杀了他。
N-PLURAL 比赛;竞赛 You can use stakes to refer to something that is like a contest. For example, you can refer to the choosing of a leader as the leadership stakes .
Britain lags behind in the European childcare stakes. 英国在儿童保育方面落后于欧洲其他国家。
桩 A stake is a pointed wooden post which is pushed into the ground, for example in order to support a young tree.
PHRASE 提出权利要求;主张权利 If you stake a claim, you say that something is yours or that you have a right to it.
Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress... 简决心主张自己作为一名女演员的权利。
Baguet's success staked his claim for a place in Belgium's world championship team. 巴古埃特的成功使他有资格成为比利时世界锦标赛参赛队伍中的一员。
The game was usually played for high stakes between two large groups 游戏通常在两大集团之间进行,下的赌注一般都很大。
By arresting the organisation's two top leaders the government and the army have now raised the stakes 逮捕了该组织的两名主要头目后,政府和军队现在面临的风险更大了。
For Mr Blair the political stakes could hardly have been higher. 对布莱尔来说,这已经是最高的政治赌注了。
Britain lags behind in the European childcare stakes. 英国在儿童保育方面落后于欧洲其他国家。
The threat of the government taking stakes would scare off some private investors. 政府介入行为所引发的恐慌也许会吓跑部分私人投资者。
As a fence needs the support of stakes, so an able man needs the help of others. 篱笆靠桩,好汉要帮。
The wooden stakes are coated with pitch. 木桩子上涂了沥青。
It also has stakes in other start-ups like Dropbox and Slack. 公司也入股了其它初创公司,比如Dropbox和Slack。
But by adding the barefaced lie to the mix you raise the stakes. 但加上一句厚颜无耻的谎言,你就加大了赌注。
One result of this more civilised atmosphere is to lower the stakes of the dispute. 这种更加文明的氛围的结果之一,是降低了争论所涉及的利害。
I'm playing for high stakes. 我冒了很大的风险。
Not all exchanges are listed, reducing the chances of stakes being bought and sold. 并非所有的证交所都已经上市,这降低了买卖股权的可能性。
Equally controversial could be specific investment stakes in companies. 同样具有争议的可能是对企业的特定股权投资。
It has bought stakes in Australian banks and considered investing in private equity funds. 该机构还购入了澳大利亚一些银行的股份,同时考虑投资于私人股本基金。
Okay, you're just reminding me of the stakes. 好了,你提醒了我这是个赌注。
At least 20 foreign banks have also taken stakes in city commercial banks. 至少20家外资银行还入股了城市商业银行。
The firm also hopes to sell small stakes in itself to investors in Asia and in Europe. 该公司还希望向亚洲和欧洲的投资者出售自己的少数股权。
He loved gambling and each time he lost he would double his stakes. 他喜欢赌博,每次他输了他都会将赌注加倍。
One of the stakes in the fence is broken. 篱笆上的一根桩折断了。
Chinese, Singaporean and other Asian investors have lost billions on their stakes in failing western institutions. 中国、新加坡和其它亚洲国家的投资者,已在他们持有的西方陷入破产的金融机构的股票上,丧失了数十亿美元。
Cnooc and Sinopec are also considering a bid for stakes in OGX, a Brazilian oil and gas company. 此外,中海油和中石化正在考虑竞购巴西油气企业OGX的股权。
The Americans have raised the stakes in a bitter fight over imports. 美国人在有关进口的激烈斗争中加大了赌注。
If a Bomb or Rocket is used the stakes are doubled each time. 如果一个***或火箭是用来赌注每次都增加了一倍。
As it is, Yahoo pairs minority stakes with the disadvantages of cross-border partnership. 现实中,雅虎遭遇了少数股权与跨国合作的种种劣势带来的双重挑战。
Most overseas investments by Chinese oil companies so far have been minority stakes in projects that were seeking funding. 到目前为止,中国石油企业的绝大多数海外投资都是对寻求融资的项目进行的少数股权投资。
The stakes in this game are uncomfortably high. 这场游戏的赌注达到了高得令人难受的水平。
The stakes are too high for that. 这样做的风险太高了。
Investment banks including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase have also set up funds to help rich clients buy stakes. 包括高盛(GoldmanSachs)和JP摩根大通(JPMorganChase)这样的投资银行也都为富有的客户设立基金,用以购买股票。
Then they use their massive "sovereign wealth funds" to buy large stakes in strategic US firms. 然后,他们运用其庞大的“主权财富基金”,收购具有战略意义的美国公司的大宗股份。
Offering minority stakes in the management company can deepen links with existing core investors in the funds. 通过出售基金管理公司的少数股权,可以加深与旗下各基金现有核心投资者的关系。