We are not using violence, we are using a legal leverage tool, FIFA statutes, he said. 我们不使用暴力,我们在使用一个法律制衡工具,国际足联章程,他说。
Congress has occasionally responded to these concerns by enacting statutes that require strict separation of prosecuting and deciding functions. 国会偶尔对这些关注作出反应,制定法规要求严格的起诉和裁决职能的分立。
They overturned in 1923 state wartime statutes forbidding the use of foreign languages in school. 1923年,他们推翻了禁止在学校中使用外语的一些州的战时法令。
The members must acknowledge and observe the statutes, regulations, resolutions and decisions of RIF. 成员一定承认并且遵守法令,规则,RIF的决议和决定。
Committee on Statutes, Rules and Guidelines 章程、规则和指导方针委员会
Statutes define the fiduciary duties of company directors. 成文法界定了公司董事的受托责任。
These statutes all offer some degree of protection to natural areas. 这些法令都不同程度地保护了天然区域。
We have sinned, been impious, and violated, O LORD, our God, all your statutes. 我们犯了罪,行了不义,违犯了你的一切诫命。
We must obey the statutes in this country. 我们必须遵守这个国家的法规。
You shall therefore carefully observe the commandments, the statutes and the decrees which I enjoin on you today. 所以你要谨慎遵行我今天吩咐你的诫命、法令和规则。
Statutes are not to be presumed to derogate from international law. 不能认为制定法贬损国际法。
The laws of Switzerland shall govern these Statutes and all by-laws and regulations promulgated hereunder. 本章程与其后发布之各项细则与规定均需受瑞士法律所管辖。
Most states provide general exemptions for military base EMS services from statutes and administrative codes for federal EMS services. 大多数国家规定由联邦EMS服务的法规和行政法规的一般豁免军事基地EMS服务。
Federal statutes may be challenged in federal court. 联邦法院可以对联邦法提出质疑。
Laws, statutes, and codes spell out in detail the conduct required of news organizations. 法律、法规和法典对新闻媒体规定了详细的行为准则。
The Chinese government has issued constitutional laws and statutes on disposal of infectious waste for averting pollution. 为此,我国制定了关于感染性废弃物处理的法律、法规,以避免污染实验室或环境。
The courts also exercise judicial review over federal statutes and agency actions, and determine the constitutionality of federal and state laws. 法院也可以对联邦法令和机构行为行使司法审查并且对联邦和州法律的合宪性做出判断。
Many administrative statutes contain clauses conferring broad rights to trial-type hearings. 许多行政法规载有授予审判式听证广泛权利的条款。
Understanding the relationship amomg economic law, administrative law and statutes in other department correctly is significant. 正确认识经济法与行政法等部门法的关系。
This can be seen in the various environmental statutes considered in this chapter. 这可以从本章论述和各种环境法令中看出来。
Common-law judges have very wide powers of interpretation to apply previous judicial rulings and to interpret statutes. 普通法体系中的法官们有非常大的解释说明和提供精确的司法规则的权力以及解释成文法规则的权力。
The traffic court has jurisdiction over violation of statutes governing the use of roads and motor vehicles. 交通法庭有权管辖违反道路和车辆法规的事件。
Under the common law system, statutes as well as cases are sources of law. 在普通法系中,法条同案例一样也是法的渊源。
Hence China has promulgated more than 30 relevant laws, statutes and regulations. 中国为此颁布的法律、法规和规章多达30余项。
Many federal environmental statutes provide specific standards for judicial review of agency actions under the statute. 许多联邦环境法令为本法令下的机构行为提供具体的司法审查标准。
They review the legality of state administrative rules under state statutes. 他们评论在州法令之下的州行政规章的合法性。
Now the Common Law have more and more statutes, but case law is still the basic legal source. 现今英美法系的制定法日益增多,但仍无法动摇判例法基础性法源的地位。
The President's authority over the executive branch is limited only by the Constitution and federal statutes. 总统对行政机构的权力仅限制于宪法和联邦法令。
The criminal statutes define the acts that are felonies and misdemeanors. 刑法中的法则定义了什么是重罪、什么是轻罪。