The stockholders were outraged that the board had permitted Alderson to get away. 股东们对董事会居然让埃尔德森脱身感到愤慨。
We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares by the selling stockholders. 公司将不会获得售股股东出售股份得到的任何收入。
When the investor pays dividends, the stockholders 'equity in the company is reduced. 当被投资者支付股利时,其股东权益减少。
Then they asked me how much we had paid out to our stockholders, and my mind went blank. 然后,他们又问我:我向股东派发了多少股息,而我的脑袋变成一片空白。
As the investor earns net income, the stockholders 'equity in the company increases. 当被投资者获得净收益时,其股东权益增加。
These users include managers, stockholders, banks and other creditors, government agencies, investment advisors, and general public. 这些使用者包括管理者,股东,银行和其他贷款人、政府代表、投资顾问人和公众。
How do the bosses retain the confidence of their staff, clients and stockholders? 那些老板们如何保持员工、客户和股东的信任?
He divided the profits with the stockholders. 他和股东均分利润。
In addition, the behavior upsets the balance of the stock market and injures the rights of all stockholders. 而且,这种行为破坏了股标市场的均衡,损害了所有投资者的权益。
They also publish annual reports and other company information for their stockholders and potential investors. 他们也为自已的股东或是潜在的投资者发表年报和其他一些公司的信息。
Dividends paid to stockholders are not tax deductible. 而支付给股东的股息不能从应税所得中减除。
No personal liability for stockholders. Stockholders are not personally liable for the debts of a corporation. 股东的有限经济责任。股东个人不对公司的负债负责。
Changes in the names and identities of stockholders do not directly affect the corporation. 股东姓名和身份的变更并不直接对公司产生影响。
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. 最后,我们要对全体股东负责。
At any time, these outstanding shares represent 100% of the stockholders 'equity in the corporation. 在任何时候,这些发行在外的股份都代表公司100%的股东权益。
The rate of return on stockholders 'equity is the most important indicator in evaluating the profitability. 股东权益报酬率是评价盈利能力中最主要的指标。
In the balance sheet of a corporation, the term stockholders 'equity is used instead of owner's equity. 在公司的资产负债表中,股东权益这一术语取代了业主权益。
Dividends are the cash paid out to stockholders. 股利是支付给股东的现金。
Stockholders must pay personal income taxes on any portion of these earnings, which they receive as dividends. 股东必须为他们作为股息而收到的盈利部分缴纳个人所得税。
If a corporation has sufficient cash, a distribution of profits may be made to stockholders. 如果公司有充足的现金,可以对股东进行收益分配。
Common stockholders and potential investors in common stock look first at a company's earnings record. 普通股股东和普通股的潜在投资者最关心的是公司的利润记录。
The owners of a corporation are its stockholders whose shares of ownership are rep-resented by stock certificates. 股份有限公司的所有权属于股东,他们分享的所有权通过股票的形式体现出来。
At these meetings, stockholders may ask questions of management and also vote upon certain issues. 在这些大会上,股东可以向管理部门提出问题并就某些重要问题投票表决。
The stockholders contribute by absorbing a dilution of their equity. 通过吸收被稀释的股权,股东也为此做出了贡献。
This can be ensured through debt-for-equity swaps, whereby the bondholders are turned into stockholders. 这可以通过债转股实现,也就是将债券持有者变为股东。
Thus, the dividend returns to stockholders all or part of their paid-in capital investment. 因此,该股利是对股东缴入资本的全部或部分偿还。
Distributions of this nature are termed dividends and decrease both total assets and total stockholders 'equity. 这种性质的分配称为股利,它同时减少总资产和股东权益总额。
Shares that have been sold and issued to stockholders constitute the issued stock of the corporation. 已出售和发行给股东的股数构成公司的发行股本。
The assets of a corporation belong to the corporation itself, not to the stockholders. 公司的资产属于公司本身,而不属于股东个人。