
英 [ˈstɒkpaɪld] 美 [ˈstɑːkpaɪld]

v.  大量储备



  1. VERB 大量贮备,囤积(食品或武器)
    If people stockpile things such as food or weapons, they store large quantities of them for future use.
    1. People are stockpiling food for the coming winter.
  2. N-COUNT 大量的储备;囤积
    A stockpile of things is a large quantity of them that have been stored for future use.
    1. The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.


  1. Since May, forester has stockpiled cash and purchased index puts in his$ 160 million fund both moves that protect the fund during market declines because of his rising worries.
  2. However, much of the imported petrol and diesel has been stockpiled rather than consumed.
  3. One idea that has been discussed in the past, Mr Cohen said, is for donors to contribute to a global reserve or co-ordinated national reserves of food so that food can be stockpiled.
  4. The storage was dominated by grain-storing and people-succouring through all the dynasties, and had a stringent system of management and succour. It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine.
  5. Soybean stocks reached record levels earlier this year and stocks may have been stockpiled in non-traditional locations because of the unprecedented supplies and the attractive returns to storage.
  6. The aid organizations have stockpiled large amount of aid materials and are distributing them to victims through land and air modes.
  7. Ms Sen said if the cut had been planned, Saudi Arabia would have lowered production rather than just volumes supplied, because the excess oil would just be stockpiled.
  8. She spent weeks on her own before finally being rescued and taken to a farm where abandoned animals were stockpiled.
  9. The conveyor system will operate during daylight hours, while fill and ballast can be stockpiled at night, decreasing the amount of trucks required during the day.
  10. That could mean the ore was being imported to be stockpiled rather than used immediately.
  11. They are stockpiled in the cytoplasm.
  12. Millions of doses of antibiotics and smallpox vaccine have been stockpiled to guard against biological weapons.
  13. Yao Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese commerce ministry, said the government was releasing stockpiled supplies of pork and sugar to ease price increases, while it would also take steps to increase vegetable production.
  14. Public fill is sometimes stockpiled as surcharging on newly reclaimed land to accelerate the settlement process.
  15. To meet the demand for the May Day Holiday, the Sanya duty-free shop stockpiled goods, and replenished inventories more frequently.
  16. Republicans have shrewdly stockpiled a mammoth arsenal of past scandals to strafe Hillary with.
  17. Topsoil from different soil types shall be stockpiled separately and replaced in the same areas from which they were taken.
  18. Farmers have stockpiled large amounts of grain in their barns after two years of bumper crops.
  19. Tony Banbury, Asia director for the UN World Food Programme, said that the curtailed service had held up the delivery of 8000 tonnes of maize and wheat already stockpiled in Dandong, a Chinese border town.
  20. It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine.
  21. This antibody provides a new tool to control anthrax infection and "if approved, could be stockpiled as a countermeasure against this potential public health threat," he said.
  22. Given the amount of money stockpiled in cash after the Lehman bankruptcy and still undeployed after this spring's equity market rally, any upside surprise would renew the dollar's downtrend, says Mr Normand.
  23. Stockpiled for several years, Shaoxing rice wine has turned to Huadiao wine, which is crowned as a rare vintage due to its brilliant orange yellow colour, rich mellowness and sweet taste.
  24. The types of war material stockpiled are also continually changing.
  25. The committee recommends that at least one, and preferably two drugs be stockpiled along with a vaccine, so that any future outbreaks of poliovirus can be contained.
  26. The critical questions now are whether western manufacturers 'cuts in inventory really do prove to have been excessive; and whether we are about to witness another turn in the inventory cycle for copper and the other materials stockpiled by China.
  27. And consequently during the interim, traders stockpiled shipments.
  28. Numerical and experimental studies were conducted on the influence of the diffusion of oxygen at the boundary of the coal stockpiles on spontaneous ignition, with a one-dimensional mathematical model and an experimental model of stockpiled coal.
  29. With the use the system, the amount of stockpiled coal can be calculated through direct processing of the data obtained from traverse survey. Hence the accuracy is much enhanced and the process is speeded up due to absence of intermediate manual calculation link.
  30. The leaching residue produced by zinc hydrometallurgy can only be stockpiled because of lack of appropriate treatments, which causes a waste of land and mineral resources and leads to heavy metal leakage and pollution.