It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations 'stockpiles. 煤越产越多,而发电站的煤堆越来越高,这始终是愚蠢的行为。
The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons. 两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。
Children who amassed stockpiles of Halloween candy last month most likely netted impressive loot from just one company. 上个月,万圣节上“洗劫”邻居的孩子们收获了成堆的糖果,这些战利品很可能来自同一家公司。
The government has sufficient stockpiles of staples such as wheat and rice. 印度政府的主食储存,包括小麦和稻米,都很充足。
Iran has committed to halting certain levels of enrichment and neutralizing part of its stockpiles. 伊朗已承诺停止某些水平的浓缩活动,废除部分储备的功能。
And Im confident that, working together, we can continue to make progress and reduce our nuclear stockpiles. 我有信心,通过共同努力,我们能继续取得进展并减少我们的核军备。
Importers continued to build stockpiles and take advantage of low global prices. 进口商继续利用全球价格处于低位之机建立库存。
Even as government stockpiles ballooned, traders in Thailand imported rice from Cambodia and Vietnam. 就在政府大米储量飙升之际,泰国的商人从柬埔寨和越南进口大米。
In 2014, China is reckoned to have added 100m barrels to its stockpiles. 据估计,2014年期间中国增加了1亿桶石油储备。
I believe the early distribution of stockpiles of oseltamivir to developing countries was useful. 我认为,早期向发展中国家分发储存的奥司他韦具有益处。
Witnesses say the Gadhafi loyalists have large stockpiles of weapons and ammunition and could hold out for a long time. 目击者说,效忠卡扎菲的人员储存了大量的武器和弹药,还能抵抗很长一段时间。
I felt alienated from The Guardian's graphic about stockpiles of nuclear weapons. 我从政府提供的关于核武器储备的图形感到被疏远。
Efforts to make a vaccine are under way, and stockpiles of antiviral drugs have been opened. 疫苗的研制正在进行中,而且库存的抗病毒药物已经使用。
But with China's steel stockpiles seemingly close to or at capacity. 但是由于中国钢材库存似乎接近或相当于容量。
The major nuclear powers should implement existing nuclear disarmament treaties as scheduled and further substantially reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles; 它表征了原子核的大主要核大国如期实施现有核裁军条约并进一步大幅度削减核军备;
The WHO stockpile is meant to complement other measures of international and national preparedness, including any national stockpiles. 世卫组织的储存预定补充国际和国家防备的其它措施,包括任何国家储存。
Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Jordan have all stepped up efforts to build stockpiles. 沙特阿拉伯、阿尔及利亚和约旦都在加速建立储备体系。
The government has assured people that the country has sufficient stockpiles of food. 政府已经向人们保证拥有充足的粮食储备。
They appealed for the destruction of all nuclear stockpiles. 他们呼吁销毁一切核武器储存。
The United States is leading non-proliferation efforts by removing nine tons of plutonium from its stockpiles. 美国消除了九吨钸的储备量,居世界防止核武器扩散努力的领先地位。
While the US and Russia retain such huge stockpiles these other States feel no obligation to accept any limitations. 在美国和俄罗斯依然保留如此庞大的核武器存量的情况下,这些国家感到,它们没有义务接受任何限制。
The US government offered to supply refineries from its emergency stockpiles following the shutdown. 在英国石油关闭油田后,美国政府提出利用其紧急石油储备向炼油厂供应石油。
Roche says it has found a way to extract the active ingredient from expiring stockpiles of the antiviral Tamiflu. 罗氏公司说它发现了一种从过期的抗病毒药物达菲中提取活性成分的方法。
We have also seen progress in the sharing of benefits, including access to vaccine and antiviral stockpiles, and the transfer of technology for manufacturing influenza vaccines. 在共享利益方面,包括利用疫苗和抗病毒药物储备,以及在转让生产流感疫苗的技术方面,我们也看到了进展。
US officials think more reliable information on Chinese stockpiles could help moderate oil market volatility. 美国官员认为,如果中国战略石油储备的相关信息更加可靠,将有助于缓解石油市场的动荡。
Our nonproliferation programs have destroyed dangerous stockpiles of missiles, munitions and the material that can be used to make a nuclear weapon. 我们的防扩散项目已经销毁了具有危险性的导弹库存、弹药和可用于制造核武器的材料。
We are pursuing a new agreement with Russia to reduce our nuclear stockpiles. 我们正在争取与俄罗斯就削减我们的核库存达成一项新协定。
Instead visualize the stockpiles by how many times over they could destroy the world. 取而代之的是他们能够摧毁世界多少次的可视化数据储备。
There's enough energy in ten minutes of one hurricane to match the nuclear stockpiles of the world. 飓风十分钟的能量足以比得上全世界储存的核武器的能量。
But volumes were already falling before all this blew up presumably as China worked through stockpiles. 但在近期事件爆发之前,出口量已在下降,想必是中国当时在消化库存。