
英 [ˈstɒpɪdʒɪz] 美 [ˈstɑpɪdʒɪz]

n.  停工; 罢工; 中断比赛; 堵塞; 阻塞


  1. N-COUNT 停工;罢工
    When there is a stoppage, people stop working because of a disagreement with their employers.
    1. Mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.
  2. (足球等体育运动中的)中断比赛,暂停
    In football and some other sports, when there is a stoppage, the game stops for a short time, for example because a player is injured. The referee may add some extra time at the end of the game because of this.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用 time out


    1. You can reduce line stoppages and replenish needed materials to the production line.
    2. Hon Hai said earlier this month that two disputes between employees occurred at its manufacturing plant in Zhengzhou in China's central Henan province, with neither incident leading to work stoppages.
    3. Cabbies in other cities, including Chengdu, in Sichuan Province, and Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, also took part in organized work stoppages.
    4. The Contractor shall notify the company immediately of any impending or actual stoppages of work, industrial disputes, accidents or other matters affecting or likely to affect the performance of the work.
    5. For now the airline will suffer no stoppages, and if at the end of the three weeks of talks there is no agreement, FWA will impose binding arbitration on both sides.
    6. All these stoppages are costing the company a fortune.
    7. Two Greek unions, representing public and private sector workers, organized the stoppages.
    8. After stoppages, he hardly has enough to pay the bills.
    9. The company has lost thousands of dollars because of the stoppages.
    10. This creates risks for developing countries in particular, because they are most vulnerable to sudden stoppages of credit, and sudden switches of international demand or supply.
    11. However, since then Petrobras and the unions have resolved their disputes without severe stoppages.
    12. It should have been demolished years ago, but work has been delayed by court battles, asbestos and toxic dust removal, work stoppages and a renewed search for body parts.
    13. The threat of a crippling rail strike in Germany receded yesterday after Deutsche Bahn ( DB), the state-owned operator, secured a last-minute court order preventing nationwide stoppages.
    14. There was a nationwide eruption of strikes and industrial stoppages.
    15. The promise note distributed to workers at Honda Automotive Components Manufacturing in Foshan, a factory town west of Guangzhou, says they absolutely will not lead, organise or participate in work slowdowns, stoppages or strikes.
    16. According to the company, the stoppages could continue into next week pending a government-led effort to resolve the dispute.
    17. Stoppages and shutdowns for adjustments, die changes, or maintenance often extend residence time and cause material degradation.
    18. The high-speed line between Shanghai and Beijing was supposed to be the jewel in the crown of the country's bullet train network, but it has been beset by stoppages since opening in June.
    19. The IEA can only release its reserves in response to stoppages in supply.
    20. Stoppages and strikes in the capitalist countries are growing in intensity.
    21. More rail stoppages likely in britain:: d2.
    22. Disputes in 1999 involved three work stoppages and resulted in a loss of only 299 working days.
    23. Owing to the recurrent stoppages of work through the air raids, arrears had accumulated in the cipher branch.
    24. The report found that although Foxconn had resolved many health and safety violations, it agreed to improve its system to record all accidents resulting in injury, instead of just those causing work stoppages.
    25. The common stoppages in network classroom have been analysed and cleared thus the measures of supervision and maintenance are proposed.
    26. The measures to eliminate weft stoppages are given.
    27. This paper briefly introduces the diagnosis and clearance of various stoppages of hydraulic system of engineering machinery.