PHRASE 但那是另一回事了;那就不相干了 You say 'but that's another story' when you have mentioned a subject that you are not going to talk about or explain in detail.
I'd met him at a dance I'd gone to on my own. But that's another story. 我有一次独自去参加舞会时遇上了他。但那是题外话了。
PHRASE 长话短说;简而言之 In British English, you use to cut a long story short to indicate that you are going to state the final result of an event and not give any more details. In American English, you say to make a long story short .
To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director. 长话短说,我最终当上了总经理。
PHRASE 另一回事,不同情况(通常指不好的一面) You use a different story to refer to a situation, usually a bad one, which exists in one set of circumstances when you have mentioned that it does not exist in another set of circumstances.
Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story. 玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。
PHRASE 又来了,又是老一套(表示不好的事情似乎总是重复发生) If you say it's the same old story or it's the old story, you mean that something unpleasant or undesirable seems to happen again and again.
It's the same old story. They want one person to do three people's jobs. 又是老一套。他们想让 1 个人做 3 个人的工作。
PHRASE 不是事情的全部;只是部分情况 If you say that something is only part of the story or is not the whole story, you mean that the explanation or information given is not enough for a situation to be fully understood.
This may be true but it is only part of the story... 这可能是真的,但它并不是事情的全部。
Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the whole story. 简竭力地解释说那不是事情的全貌。
PHRASE 对事情的说法;辩解 If someone tells you their side of the story, they tell you why they behaved in a particular way and why they think they were right, when other people think that person behaved wrongly.
He had already made up his mind before even hearing her side of the story. 他没等听到她的解释就已经作出了决定。