Registering this function in your database is also straight-forward. 将这个函数注册到数据库中也很简单。
Your company's current state and next steps toward improving your SOA level of adoption described in clear, straight-forward terms. 清晰、直接地描述您的公司的当前状态和提高您的SOA采用级别所需的后续步骤。
The description above may sound like a complex process but is, as illustrated below, a straight-forward task. 以上描述听起来似乎是一个复杂的过程,但是正如下面阐述的那样,这其实是一项简单的任务。
The most straight-forward and unobtrusive-to-the-desktop manner of accommodating the mobile user is through the use of a special metatag: viewport. 最为直观也是最不唐突的适合移动用户的方式是通过使用一个特殊的metatag:viewport。
The language built-in notion of service enables the creation and use of services in a simplified and straight-forward way. 语言内嵌的服务概念使得人们可以用简化且直截了当的方式创建并使用服务。
Using the EMF-based code generation allows for a very straight-forward creation of an API that supports both WSDL marshalling and unmarshalling and underlying model manipulation. EMF产生的代码使得可以直接生成API,用来支持WSDL文件的编组和解组,以及底层的模型管理。
Transactions, comments, and delays are fairly straight-forward 事务、注释和延迟是相当直接的
Capturing the requirements, although time-consuming, was actually rather straight-forward. 虽然找出需求很费时,但实际上相当简单。
The architecture and design were a little less straight-forward. 体系结构和设计相对要难一点。
The installation of the UML to JSF/ SDO transformation is straight-forward. UML到JSF/SDO转换的安装是非常直接的。
Pluglets are small Java applications that are used to make minor extensions to the workbench in a simple and straight-forward way. Pluglets是一种小型的Java程序,用于以一种简单而直接的方式,来对工作台作出一些微小的扩展。
This transformation can be achieved with a straight-forward SQL statement. 这种转换是通过直接的SQL语句实现的。
Searching for a hash value with range predicates is straight-forward. 使用范围谓词搜索hash值很简单。
It is a very straight-forward fight. 这是一个非常直接的斗争。
The system looks like a laboratory experiment right now, but demonstrates the EM signal detection capabilities of carbon nanotubes in a very straight-forward way. 整套系统目前看起来还处于实验室阶段,但这证明了纳米管在EM信号的探测及解调上应用的可行性。
And one of the things that was useful here is, that we actually know that the set of primitives that you want to use is very straight-forward. 这儿有一个很有用的东西是,我们实际知道你想用的,一系列基本类型是非常明显的。
The contract itself was quite straight-forward and intelligible, but I had no wish to go to such crooked and mirky places to explain it. 印书的合同,是明明白白的,但我不愿意到那些不明不白的地方去辩解。
Nevertheless, it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight-forward and easy. 然而,将觅食认为总是直接而容易的行动却是虚伪的表现。
Asynchronous programming can sometimes be a hassle and I understand if developers sometimes omit the callback references just to keep the control flow more straight-forward. 异步编程有时候非常麻烦,我明白开发人员有时候忽略回调引用,是否只是想让控制流能更加直截了当一些。
John Paxson was really straight-forward with me, and so was Coach Skiles, and I got a good feeling for the organization and the team then. 约翰·帕克森对我很坦率,Skiles教练也一样,那个时候我感受到了球队中良好融洽的氛围。
Dave wants us to change our name and it's true that the humor doesn't really translate to a Chinese audience, but they view it as a straight-forward description: the Woodie and Alan band. 洛文杰建议我们把乐队的名字改一改;中国本地听众的确是无法真正理解其中的幽默,不过他们觉得“伍迪和艾伦乐队”相当直白:就是伍迪和艾伦的乐队呗。
Whether it's long harboured childhood grievances finally surfacing, or a straight-forward need for adult autonomy, teenage rebellion is a signal that an entirely new bond has to be forged. 不论是长期潜藏的孩子的不满最终浮出了水面,还是家长制已经成为了一种必要,青少年的反抗都传达了一个信号,即家庭中需要建立一种新的关系。
In other European markets the renewal process has been a matter of routine with regulators setting a straight-forward fee calculated by looking at the precedents set in other European markets. 在欧洲其他市场,牌照更新是一个例行公事的过程,监管部门会根据欧洲其它市场的先例,直接计算出费用金额。
As a super-set of Java, it has a very straight-forward learning curve from Java. 因为Groovy是Java的一个超集,所以从Java到Groovy的学习曲线是十分平直的。
Being too straight-forward and outspoken could become one's Achilles'heel. 说话太过爽直,可能成为一个人的缺点。
He writes about very interesting and difficult topics, but his writing style is very simple and straight-forward. 他写的话题非常有趣并且很有难度,但他的写作风格却简单而直接。
However, foreigners are more straight-forward and reply Thanks and the like. 而外国人多数比较直接,他们面对别人的称赞一般都是表示感谢。
The logic is pretty straight-forward. 其中的逻辑推理相当简单明了。
Of course, that won't look as straight-forward because it's all asynchronous. 当然,这并不像看起来的那么简单,因为它完全是异步的。
The history section is straight-forward enough, while security and availability tells you a little more about the command. History部分当然直截了当了,Security和Availability部分讲解了有关命令更多的一些信息。