
英 [strəʊlz] 美 [stroʊlz]

v.  散步; 溜达; 闲逛
n.  散步; 溜达; 闲逛


  1. VERB 散步;溜达;闲逛
    If you stroll somewhere, you walk there in a slow, relaxed way.
    1. He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window...
    2. Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.
    3. Stroll is also a noun.
    4. After dinner, I took a stroll round the city.


  1. The day-to-day interactions that defined their working relationship would devolve into weekly strolls around Berkeley, then monthly phone calls, and finally an occasional email.
  2. Every time that that chance which meddles with the strolls of persons whose gaze is turned inwards, led Marius to that walk, and it was nearly every day, he found this couple there.
  3. It was during one of his strolls that he had hit upon the Gorbeau house, and, tempted by its isolation and its cheapness, had taken up his abode there.
  4. Its a stereotypical image: a gang member strolls the streets walking his big, scary dog.
  5. Actress Kelly Rutherford does double duty as mom and dog walker as she strolls with her daughter, Helena, and her Australian cattle dog, Oliver, in New York.
  6. The two then become a couple, and the video shows them sharing romantic dinners, strolls through the countryside and laughs on the couch.
  7. It may do with the fact that every single screen is bright red, but even looking at Dylan, the Puma Phone's pet puma, who strolls past the screen roaring at you, it was a bit of a muddy image.
  8. And I was thinking, well, Bill Clinton used to take romantic strolls, but I think he waited until his wife was out of town.
  9. There have also been protests in Guangdong Province, mostly peaceful gatherings that participants, in an effort to avoid arrest, have described as mass strolls.
  10. We took strolls in the musty-smelling bazaars of the Shar-e-Nau section of Kabul, or the new city, west of the Wazir Akbar Khan district.
  11. It is quite puzzling, therefore, why the field of animal cognition has such a long history of claims about the absence of capacities based on just a few strolls through the forest.
  12. Jean Valjean, a thoughtful man, and given to nocturnal strolls, often returned quite late at night.
  13. A maiko, or geisha-in-training, strolls through the streets of Kyoto. She is a member of a famed, but dwindling sorority of entertainers.
  14. He strolls in and out as he pleases.
  15. Norton strolls into view with ned Grimes at his heels.
  16. Inside Beijing the city strolls today, still can see constantly deep curtilage courtyard.
  17. Every morning he strolls for a lap in the park.
  18. On Sunday my sister strolls along the beach.
  19. It chanced that Marius'solitary strolls led him to this plot of ground, near the water.
  20. The best way to see the area is to simply join local people on their evening strolls amid the markets and street shops and grab some street food with milk tea.
  21. He strolls about the town.
  22. He hears FOOTSTEPS approaching. He smoothes the poster down and dives into bed. A GUARD strolls by a moment later, shining his flashlight into the cell.
  23. The generous man kept to life much as usual taking evening strolls, whistling rap tunes, answering his door.
  24. Travel frequently and extensively! West east walks strolls! Gathers is the reason! The Fuyang area infinite welcome you the alliance!
  25. Our hotel was on an island in the river Taedong, so unsupervised evening strolls were out of the question. Not that there was much likelihood of interacting with ordinary citizens.
  26. Kevin strolls in from the kitchen with a cup of coffee and lowers himself onto the sofa between the children.
  27. Long, leisurely strolls through the grounds of an historic inn or medieval European castle could help a Taurus let go of work.
  28. My books are at your disposal. He strolls in and out as he pleases.