
英 [ˈstʌbɪŋ] 美 [ˈstʌbɪŋ]

v.  脚趾不小心踢到…上



  1. N-COUNT 残根;残端;(铅笔)头;(烟)蒂
    The stub of a cigarette or a pencil is the last short piece of it which remains when the rest has been used.
    1. He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear.
    2. ashtray of cigarette stubs.
  2. N-COUNT 票根;存根
    A ticket stub is the part that you keep when you go in to watch a performance.
    1. Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3.
      仍保留原始票根的球迷请于 7 月 3 号前和谢菲尔德体育馆联系。
  3. (支票的)存根
    A cheque stub is the small part that you keep as a record of what you have paid.
    1. VERB 不小心踢到(脚趾)
      If you stub your toe, you hurt it by accidentally kicking something.
      1. I stubbed my toes against a table leg.


    1. In my home, the most important light is not the large chandelier in our dining room but the little night light that keeps me from stubbing my toe when I get up at night.
    2. Note, though, that the stubbing or removal of the Outlook item after a successful archiving is asynchronous ( whereas it was synchronous in the case of CSLD).
    3. Testing classes with a high fan-out score without any stubbing will allow you to test a large percentage of the code quickly.
    4. Stubbing simply replaces a real-world implementation with a simpler implementation.
    5. If you have your own JNI libraries, try stubbing them out entirely one at a time to determine if they are causing the leak.
    6. Test cases may use stubbing to make an implementation simpler, faster, or more predictable.
    7. This may result in quickly producing the desired visual flow on the user interface, but stubbing at the client does not test the inter-connectivity or the marshaling of data.
    8. The archiving is done by a CSX worker thread, the stubbing is handled by a CSX committer thread.
    9. Try stubbing out functions to identify which code paths are causing the native leak.
    10. Many developers confuse the ideas behind stubbing and mocking.
    11. So will they now prevent guards from stubbing out cigarettes on the arms, legs and backs of inmates?
    12. In fact, Denny said," they seem to be stubbing their toes on life's vicissitudes, just like we all do. "
    13. By stubbing out the network client we can now test the getBalance method.
    14. Greg: Oh no! Look here, people have been stubbing their cigarettes out on the sofa.
    15. "Wuhan is a model city in implementing Beijing's rules of regulating local government debt," he said in between lighting up cigarettes and stubbing them out in an overflowing ashtray.
    16. Notice that by stubbing out the DOM elements we can test the side effects of the render method without actually doing anything that could invalidate other tests within the test page.
    17. Support for stubbing of method calls and properties access
    18. "I really must give up smoking," said ian, stubbing out another cigarette in the ashtray.
    19. The pain of stubbing your toe obviously doesn't count for nearly as much as the pain of a migraine, which doesn't count nearly as the pain of being tortured.
    20. By creating the UI first, and stubbing out or mocking any classes it needs, we can quickly get feedback on whether the UI matches the business's expectations.
    21. The results showed that Si phase undergoes necking, stubbing, fragmentation and growth in the initial stage;