
(sub-task 的复数) [计]子任务
sub-task 的复数



  1. In the Map process, the master node takes the input, divides it up into smaller sub-tasks, and distributes those to worker nodes.
  2. In the Reduce process, the master node then takes the answers of all the sub-tasks and combines them to get the output, which is the result of the original task.
  3. Deconstructing our use cases, you can see that they are now all composed of a few common sub-tasks
  4. You want to analyze this activity and further detail its sub-tasks.
  5. I felt overwhelmed by the various sub-tasks involved, but by using the techniques below, I'm inching toward the finish line of hitting "send" for that first newsletter.
  6. An algorithm based on multiplex priority is designed to solve the scheduling problem of all sub-tasks.
  7. Highly achieving people make plans for success, set effective goals, and break larger tasks down into more manageable sub-tasks.
  8. A task partitioning strategy is presented in this paper, which can partition a task into several sub-tasks.
  9. Grid is the new generation of infrastructure established on the Internet, in the grid computing the majority of tasks are the collaborative tasks composed by some sub-tasks with complex relations.
  10. Considering the multi-restraints among sub-tasks in parallel and distributed systems, a coevolutionary genetic algorithm ( CGA) for tasks matching and scheduling is proposed based on computational model of cooperative coevolution.
  11. Using the divide-and-conquer strategy, syntactic parsing is divided into two sub-tasks, chunk parsing and the relationship analysis.
  12. We firstly transform the continuous speech recognition problem into sequential, independent, classification tasks. Each of these sub-tasks is an isolated word recognition problem and specialized SVMs are trained and applied to each problem to discriminate the recognized candidates from confusion networks.
  13. However, due to the interdependence between the sub-tasks in a workflow, so it is of significance to also consider the transfer cost between the adjacent sub-tasks.
  14. The test tasks use of list scheduling algorithms, while sub-tasks uses of priority, task dependencies as task scheduling principles to dynamically generated and distribute virtual machines.
  15. It is a better solution to divide a large computing task into many sub-tasks, distribute these sub-tasks into different computers with the help of the distributed system and make them compute parallel in independent processes.
  16. Sub-tasks will be allocated to the network client computer to complete the other, thus to some extent increased mass Bioinformatics computing efficiency.
  17. As one of the important sub-tasks of information extraction, named entity recognition ( NER) aims to identify phrases within sentences and documents that express person names, location names, organization names, data and time, and numeral expressions.
  18. Service decomposition scheme for complex business processes are decomposed into smaller sub-tasks, send more than one combination of modules execute in parallel, to improve efficiency.
  19. And, the computing load and the memory load are different among different computing sub-tasks, at the same time, the project has different computing requirement for these sub-tasks.
  20. Based on the collections of design sub-tasks and candidate suppliers, the impact factors such as product quality and cost etc. and the information and resource utility of supplier are considered synthetically, the optimal allocation model of design object are established.
  21. Johnson system is used for transforming random variable of execution time of parallel sub-tasks into standard normal variable. Then prediction time is derived by using features of the normal distribution.
  22. During the course of the parallel simplification and the parallel multiresolution representation construction, two novel techniques are designed to achieve the load balancing for the PCs cluster, i.e. benchmark based resource management and dynamic sub-tasks management.
  23. This paper discusses two sub-tasks in emotion analysis task. They are emotion agent recognition and emotion automatic classification.
  24. The task includes two sub-tasks: extracting the pairs of temporal entities and classifying.
  25. In order to reduce the difficulty of selection, the matching task is divided into multiple sub-tasks, and then local selection is performed according to function needs of each sub-task.
  26. The process definition tools is used to describe the enterprises 'practical business process. It can clear sub-tasks and target, allocation specific staff to implement specific tasks.
  27. We can divide the above task into two sub-tasks. One is to find the topics contained in the documents.
  28. This method applies the internal structural similarities between two designs, and breaks the whole verification into some sub-tasks to finish incrementally.
  29. The system is broken down into several sub-tasks.