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  1. A kind subalgebra structure of vertex operator algebra associated to nondegenerate Solvable Lie Algebras
  2. Derivations of the Standard Borel Subalgebra of Lie Algebra of Type C_n over a Commutative Ring
  3. The concept of regular R_0-subalgebra of is introduced and it is uniformly distributed on.
  4. Results of Virasoro Subalgebra
  5. Virasoro symmetry subalgebra, multi-linear variable separation solutions and localized excitations of higher-dimensional differential-difference models
  6. Firstly, we prove three equivalent conditions for a solvable n-Lie algebra. Subsequently, mimicking the Borel subalgebra theory of Lie algebras, we give the definition of a Borel n-subalgebra of an n-Lie algebra, and prove two propositions about it.
  7. A Subalgebra of Lie Algebra and the Associated Two Types of Loop Algebras
  8. The sufficient and necessary conditions which Fuzzy subalgebra of direct product Boolean algebra can be decomposed as direct product of two Fuzzy subalgebras are obtained.
  9. The properties of rough subalgebra are studied. The major result of getting involves substitution, necessary and sufficient condition of the rough subalgebra, homomorphism and duality theorem.
  10. Automorphisms of the Maximal Nilpotent Subalgebra of Type D_n Lie Algebras
  11. The following concepts are introduced: quotient, subalgebra and homomorphism of completely distributive lattices and meet continuous lattices.
  12. It is theoretically important to solve the problems of decomposition of automorphisms of solvable subalgebra and nilpotent subalgebra of matrix algebra over commutative rings.
  13. Every one set of symmetries constitute a generalized W ∞ algebra which contains the usual W ∞ algebra as its subalgebra.
  14. Based on the protocol relation, the rough quotient algebra and the rough subalgebra are constructed. The avoidance-merge algorithm ( A-M algorithm) is presented and an example is given.
  15. Decompositions of Rough Sets Based on Fuzzy Tolerance Relations Rough Subalgebra
  16. In this paper, we prove that the set of all stochastic matrices is a maximum subalgebra of matrix algebra.
  17. We construct a smooth subalgebra of Toeplitz algebra on ordered group with Property RD, and prove this subalgebra is spectral invariant in the Toeplitz algebra.
  18. It is proved that σ weakly continuous isometric isomorphism between Cartan bimodule algebras whose self adjoint parts are normal vN subalgebra can extend to a isomorphism of their generated vN algebras.
  19. The conditions of FI algebra to be a subalgebra of direct product of a system of linearly ordered FI algebras
  20. In this paper, we investigate a class of algebra, whose subalgebra of all left zero divisors is a finite dimension algebra. The structure theorem and decomposition theorem of these algebras are provided.
  21. Subsequently, we character and study the 2-cocycles on a subalgebra of the algebra M3 ( C) and obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions that a bilinear mapping is a 2-cocycle on this algebra.
  22. First, we proved that every linear maps that preserving anti-zero product and unit from one nest subalgebra of factor von Neumann algebra to another is an anti-isomorphism.
  23. The Weak Density of the Rank One Subalgebra in Completely Distributive Subspace Lattice Algebras and a Characterization of Nest Algebras
  24. This method is applicable to construct the coherent states ( q-coherentstates) of arbitrary Lie algebra ( quantum algbra) which contains the subalgebra SU ( 2)( SUq ( 2)).
  25. A Smooth Subalgebra of Toeplitz Algebra on Ordered Group with Property RD
  26. By analysis for a series of subspaces and subalgebra in the ultradistribution algebra, a concept of the layer of an ultradistribution is introduced.
  27. First of all, a new subalgebra of loop algebra A~ 2 is constructed.
  28. In this paper, we introduce the notions of closed fuzzy ideals and fuzzy subalgebra in BCH-( algebras) and the notion of well BCH-algebra. Moreover, we discuss their properties in BCH-algebras and ( obtain) many results.
  29. In this paper, the local linear mappings on the subalgebra of matrix algebra M_3 ( C) are studied.
  30. On the basis of the De Morgan subalgebra and the compactness, the local compactness for a De Morgan algebra of topology is introduced and the relations between it and the separation axioms are investigated. A theorem similar to classic Baire Category theorem is established.