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  1. How much do we indent a subblock?
  2. The matching error function based on subblock mean with the constant subblock division costs almost the same time to different matching images, which is very suitable for the real-time applications such as video compression.
  3. Lossless Remote Sensing Image Compression Based on Subblock Interchange in Bit Plane
  4. Experiments show that the matching error function based on subblock mean is superior to both the full matching error function and the matching error function based on sub-sampling in terms of the motion estimation quality and speed.
  5. Subblock Interleaver Design and Implementation Based on 802.16e
  6. The second algorithm uses gray image as watermarking, combines with JPEG compression method and classifies the subblock of image in spatial domain based on HVS, then embeds the pre-processed watermarking into original image adaptively.
  7. The first algorithm uses a binary image as watermarking, the embedding strength varies with the features of the subblock of the image in DCT domain, and the Arnold matrix is also used in this algorithm to receive good security.
  8. It is proved that for a image subblock with a single straight edge, the DCT coefficient. energy compaction orientation and the spatial edge orientation are not always orthogonal.
  9. Through the analysis of remote sensing image subblock and classification, the paper divided the module into several function modules, introduce the function of every module and implement it using C++.
  10. By theoretically analyzing the performance of reducing PAPR with partial transmit sequences ( PTS), we finds that it is dependent on the correlation of several alternative signals. And it is decided by subblock partitions and phase factors, while it is unconcerned with the input signal.
  11. The module of remote sensing image subblock and classification at the cost of increasing image subblock and transmit time, divide the complex computing task on single computer into independent computing node, decrease the computing time.