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  1. Complex flow oscillations only occur in the case of high subcooling and may be divided into two types, regular and irregular complex flow oscillations.
  2. The influence of pressure on salt-removing effect indicated that the reaction time and the subcooling temperature submitted a relationship of power function under the same conditions.
  3. Inlet subcooling: 3-77 ℃;
  4. For uniform heat flux surface, the CHF approaches a constant at high subcooling region.
  5. Several characteristics affecting instability such as inlet subcooling, inlet resistance coefficient, heating power, mass flow rate, system pressure, outlet vapor quality are analyzed.
  6. In this paper, the influences of these factors on the optimum vacuum are analyzed firstly, and the calculation method of condensate subcooling degree and the dissolved oxygen in condensate are given.
  7. Technology of refrigerant subcooling applying to conventional air-conditioning systems, can increase cooling system efficiency, it let us find out energy-saving potential.
  8. The experiments have been done on steam-liquid two-phase forced convection boiling heat transfer in high-pressure water loop. Turbulent heat transfer coefficients on subcooling water and superheated vapor for vertical upflow helical-coiled tubes are obtained.
  9. The effects of gap size, heat flux and inlet subcooling on the boiling incipience, flow pattern, heat transfer coefficient, flow instability and critical heat flux were analyzed and discussed.
  10. The results showed that incipient boiling point decreased with increasing fluid subcooling and was independent of other factors.
  11. According to rigorous procedures, an experimental study was carried out to investigate the effects of jet exit velocity, flow direction, fluid subcooling and nozzle diameter on hysteresis of boiling heat transfer with impinging circular submerged jets of highly-wetting liquids.
  12. Thermal stress response of a finite length thick wall tube under subcooling boiling boundary condition
  13. The experimental results showed that incipient boiling point decreased with increasing fluid subcooling and was independent of other factors, and that temperature overshoot enhanced with decreasing jet velocity and fluid subcooling.
  14. According to rigorous procedures, pool boiling heat transfer curve under subcooling of 24 K was obtained.
  15. The influence of the system pressure, inlet subcooling of the working medium and the heat input power to the heated section on the point of net vapor generation were investigated in the experiments.
  16. In the wide range of inlet subcooling ( 0 K system flow condition, namely, ( 1) stable two-phase flow, ( 2) bulk and subcooled boiling unstable flow, ( 3) subcooled boiling and single phase stable flow.
  17. The study focuses on the effect of surface aging and liquid subcooling on the pool boiling heat transfer curves and incipient boiling point. Three abnormal phenomena have been observed during the test.
  18. The mass flow rate varies with the inner diameter and the length of adiabatic capillary tubes, the degree of subcooling and the condensing temperature were investigated.
  19. The minimum heat transfer area of the tube for subcooling and the optimal length range of the by-pass capillary tube were determined.
  20. Inlet subcooling had a monotone effect on density wave oscillation, when inlet subcooling decreased, critical heat flux decreased.
  21. The main factors that affect wall temperature oscillation are gap width, heat flux, initial temperature, subcooling of bulk liquid at/ near inlet and outlet and non-condensable gas absorbed on heated wall etc.
  22. The capillary tube model in subcooling single-phase region and two-phase region was established, and the difference of mass flow rate is within 10% between the predicted and the measured values.
  23. The effects of pressure, mass velocity, inlet subcooling, heat flux, and exit throttle on the flow instability were determined in the modeling experiment. The thresholds of the flow pattern transformation instability and that of the density wave instability were obtained.
  24. The position of ONE point increased with the rise of inlet subcooling.
  25. For uniform temperature surface, the CHF increases with the subcooling.
  26. Then examine the influence of outlet pressure, liquid subcooling, wall heat flux and inlet velocity on bubble departure diameter.
  27. The effects of liquid inlet subcooling on the heat transfer enhancement were studied.
  28. The influences of heat flux, micro-tube diameter, the inlet subcooling and system pressure on the inner characteristic curves are obtained.
  29. Through a nozzle atomizer, water is sprayed into the evaporation chamber of low-temperature and low-humidity air environment to exchange heat and make evaporative cooling. Eventually, it reaches a predetermined subcooling temperature, releases the subcooling state after the cold-releasing equipment, and then becomes crystals.
  30. Also, it is found and analysed that there exists inlet pressure fluctuation of coiled capillary tubes when the degree of subcooling is changed from one to another.