
网络  子函数; 子功能; 功能级



  1. The system was object-oriented, framed by C++ language; its subfunction module was constructed from Open C 、 Open C++ and KF language.
  2. Ward's method and subfunction method were suitable for the evaluation or classification of waterlogging-tolerance of barley germplasm.
  3. DSP program realize data sample and process subfunction, data communication subfunction and keyboard decode subfunction;
  4. The class and function of C subfunction for graphic dimensions mark are elaborated.
  5. As a subfunction of teaching on internet, the function of student's score handles sub-system include student's score transmit, input, appraise, adjust, print and submit.
  6. Another monitoring subfunction module in the system architecture was using track and trajectory recognition algorithm to monitor whether unheavy trucks were entering the heavy truck lane when using heavy truck lane plan.
  7. The main functions of ATP are regarded as information detection, information compute, and output of control command three links and then distinguish all the subfunction of each link according to the specific parameter or command.
  8. The structure of the main program was clear, and the Software completed the corresponding function by calling the subfunction. All program modules had been linked into an executable files after compiled separately, then copied to EPROM.
  9. Civil Pretrial Procedure is one of important parts of the whole proceedings, It has important independent function and subfunction, such as evidence exchanging and points of dispute finishing for court procedure, civil dispute settling.
  10. Based on the repeated power flow and step size dichotomy, an online calculation software considering constraints of safe operation for power supply capability is developed based on Delphi platform. Besides the power flow calculation module is accomplished by BPA as a subfunction.