
(sublevel 的复数) n. 支级, 分段
[计] 子级, 次层
sublevel 的复数



  1. Levels can also contain sublevels of any depths.
  2. All sublevels have already been hidden, or there are no sublevels.
  3. We should be able to use it to go straight to the sublevels.
  4. Robust control of atomic coherence and population transfer among Zeeman sublevels in the ground states of atom is investigated theoretically using adiabatic rapid passage on a nanosecond time scale.
  5. Measures for the drifts to avoid the impact of mining dynamic pressure were proposed, including changing and avoiding the stress-intensified area, pre-reinforcing the support and reducing the maximum charge of explosive in sublevels, and meanwhile some constructive suggestions were given on the development design.
  6. We present theoretical analysis and experimental results of coherent population trapping within Zeeman sublevels of rubidium under Hanle configuration, and bichromatic dark states are firstly observed in the experiment.
  7. It is shown that the levels of a damped Λ type atom split into six sublevels and the lifetime change.
  8. A theoretical analysis involving multiple Zeeman sublevels is presented and the results are in qualitatively agreement with the experimental observations.
  9. Besides light pump action, the optical stopping effect lies on sulfur atom action intensity, the degrees of making sublevels, and the densities of these sublevels.
  10. The listening score of the HSK ( Elementary-Intermediate) is closely related with test takers 'real listening and speaking abilities. Therefore, the division of levels and sublevels for the HSK ( Elementary-Intermediate) listening section is comparatively reasonable.