
网络  子模型; 子车型; 副模式



  1. Dynamic stress analysis of monolithic joint of steel truss bridge based on submodel method
  2. The submodel of crop combination includes crop ecological adaptability evaluation, year-round cropping number design.
  3. The control parameters and growth lives of cracks are calculated using the method of submodel.
  4. The photosynthesis biomass production submodel was used from reference of rice.
  5. In respiration submodel include light respiration except for maintenance respiration and growth respiration.
  6. The wheat potassium absorption and partitioning submodel was the center of the model in which potassium was changed in different organs and different stages.
  7. Meanwhile, the results of calculation are compared with those obtained from the coarse model and submodel and the superiority of the approach is confirmed.
  8. Temperature, nitrogen and CO2 was considered in photosynthetic matter production submodel.
  9. The kinematics of double-front-axle steering and interference of steering and suspension are analyzed. Through the ADAMS software, the simplified kinematic model of the double-front-axle steering system is set up and the submodel of interference of steering and suspension is added.
  10. In the canopy photosynthesis submodel, the effect of temperature, carbon dioxide and soil moisture content are taken into account.
  11. Research of the buckling stability analysis and optimum design of a composite wing based on the submodel technique
  12. The axisymmetric finite element wasn't suitable for shell openings stress analysis, so the submodel method was adopted.
  13. The crop growth submodel was simulated wheat leaf development and leaf index dynamic state and tillers.
  14. Research and Design of Organization Submodel in Hypermedia System
  15. Based on these experimental results, a prediction model was established for MSW pyrolysis by using the principle of chemical reaction kinetics and the theory of BP neural networks, which consists of a pyrolysis kinetics submodel and seven BP neural networks submodels.
  16. Applied the water cycle principle in soil-plant-atmosphere system, the submodel of the maize water utility was founded.
  17. A crop canopy photosynthesis model with high resolution, which includes a canopy architecture submodel, a canopy light distribution submodel and leaf surface photosynthesis submodel has been developed.
  18. Then I research the three submodel of digital model of voice signal: inspired model, sound gate model, and radiant model.
  19. Adapting submodel technique, the paper specially discussed the cracking of concrete at top and bottom of flow channel.
  20. In turn, the effectiveness of the global model and submodel is verified.
  21. The global model with combined pattern, lateral pattern and longitudinal pattern are established. Tire bead and crown of combined pattern are established based on the combined modeling technique respectively, crown submodel of combined pattern is established based on the submodel technique. 3.
  22. The basic theories of the submodel method are studied and the validity of this method is verified with a main turboset model.
  23. Crown dynamic submodel is analysised, its rationality is verified. 7.
  24. Entire tire fine analysis method based on combined modeling technique or submodel is proposed, the method of boundary condition of acoustic calculation is obtained too.
  25. The submodel was calibrated and validated with field experimental data from different cultivars at different sowing dates in Wuhan, Kunming and Yangzhou.
  26. This method makes system behavior drawed out which forms a independent submodel, emphasizes behavior and the structure of object are equal importance.
  27. Submodel and composite model are used to the danger zone analysis respectively according to the structure characteristics of tire crown and bead.
  28. Dynamic submodel and combined model are analysised respectively. The result of belt part is compared.
  29. Skeleton structure characteristics of different meridian plane is analysised by submodel technique, includes belt and body. 4.
  30. The fundamental structure of the whole system model was designed. The logic data model, the functional submodel, and the technical details of each subsystem are also included in this report.