
网络  子模块; 子模塊; 模块结构; 个子模块; 子组件



  1. Each PMI module and submodule contains a list of PMI data collected from the corresponding WebSphere components.
  2. Acme's membership database is a core piece of its membership submodule.
  3. Get performance data for a PMI module/ submodule that has no MBean
  4. Use the MBeanStatDescriptor to get PMI data from a PMI module/ submodule which has no mapping MBean in the server.
  5. As above but with git submodule or svn externals
  6. Submodule Capacitance Parameter and Voltage Balancing Scheme of a New Multilevel VSC Modular
  7. The inner part of the utility model is composed of a submodule control circuit, a bidirectional thyristor, a relay and other parts which are formed by making use of hybrid technique.
  8. The important cases of divisible submodule and pure submodule are explored and some corollaries are gotten.
  9. A device for equalizing pressure or strain. Submodule Capacitance Parameter and Voltage Balancing Scheme of a New Multilevel VSC Modular
  10. Representation and submodule of vertex algebra associated to a kind of Solvable Lie algebra
  11. The design of the schedule submodule can offer some useful references in how to share a data path between multi-ports.
  12. At last, combined the MVC design pattern, the paper gives the design and implement of a submodule of storage and provides some advices to improve the capability.
  13. Finally, using the formalized language, the thesis analyzes and describes structurally every submodule of intrusion detection system which establishes the foundation to realize further the system.
  14. The construction properties of the Schubert submodule are studied. It is proved that the integrable highest weight module can be represented as an union of Schubert submodules which are total ordered.
  15. The notion of the adjoint operator of a module homomorphism defined on a densely submodule of a complete random inner product module is introduced and discussed, in particular the closedness of adjoint operators is proved.
  16. In this paper, we provide a sufficient and necessary condition of disturbance decoupling problem of discrete event dynamic system described by max algebra, we also find the maximal ( A, B)-invariant submodule in ker C.
  17. Finally, from the reliability design, the optimal relations of bus submodule, processor submodule and memory submodule are discussed.
  18. Wireless signal acquisition system is composed of host module and several submodule.
  19. The socle series of the G_1T-module Z^ ( 2 ( p-1)ρ) for the algebraic group of type G_2 and its submodule structure of every socle layer are given in this note.
  20. In this paper, we make some discussions in the central problem of the cancellation property of quasi discrete modules and obtain the following main results: ( 1) M has the lifting property if and only if any co closed submodule is a summand of M;
  21. As a generalization of FI-extending modules and C_ ( 11)-modules, the concept of FI-C_ ( 11)-modules was introduced when fully invariant submodule of M had a complement as a direct summand of M, and its basic properties were discussed.
  22. Then the SDIO Host Controller hardware design scheme was stated in detail, which includes the main funtion description and realization method of every submodule.
  23. Finally, the entire comprehensive appraisal system which is formed by the end factor model, the middle model and the submodule is established.
  24. In this paper, function design for each of the submodule, key process of the product is discussed in detail.
  25. According to the banking business segregation principle of the front, middle and back office, the platform creates the front, middle and back functional modules. This paper expounds the functions and characters of every module and its submodule.
  26. The system construction was discussed. The structure and design target about the four submodules was given including antenna array submodule, RF submodule, IF anti-jamming submodule and DSP control submodule. The FPGA realization of IF anti-jamming submodule is analyzed emphatically.
  27. In the part of the software design, the paper first expounds the structure of the software design and its function, and then expatiates on every submodule.
  28. The business focus of this paper is to introduce version control module, including new document saving, design of Check in algorithm, Check out submodule, etc.
  29. Relevant embedded program is designed according to the characteristics of the working condition monitor; the structuralized thought is adopted; design and realizing method of the submodule program of each function is stated in detail; the flow chart of realizing the program module is drawn.
  30. On the same time, the paper also realizes the automatic report making submodule and the Email sending submodule.