
(subpart 的复数) [计][VA/ST]元件
subpart 的复数



  1. This question has two subparts: Are the malware creators more innovative and inventive, such that security efforts are always playing catch-up?
  2. Know the definition of a marketing information system and be able to discuss its subparts.
  3. A static image retrieval testing system is designed and implemented. It includes following subparts. A hierarchy image content description model is proposed.
  4. The environmental educational tourist resources system is make up of natural landscape, customs, literature and art, architecture and gardening, religions and believes and their subparts.
  5. Generally introduce the basic conception of design catalogues and their applications, study the construction strategy of the conceptual design catalogue, discuss the subparts of the catalogue in detail. A propose of the construction of the conceptual design catalogue is provided.
  6. Method A computer model was developed. It had 7 subparts: the redistribution of blood, the filling of left ventricle, left ventricle, peripheral circulation, control of heart rate, control of peripheral resistance and control of venous tone.
  7. This part includes two subparts: the meaning of "public" and that of "security".
  8. A video retrieval testing system is devised and implemented. It includes following subparts. A multi-granularity description model of video is proposed. Similarity measures for comparing videos at different granularity levels are also developed.
  9. This part will be again divided into three subparts.
  10. This segment is elaborated by four subparts: rural landscape as the driving force of economic development, the security forces of rural ecological, the coordination forces of interests of rural society and the transmission power of rural cultural development.