
网络  子抽样; 下采样; 子采样; 分段抽样; 二次抽样



  1. Application of ICA and Subsampling in Color Image Watermark Based on DWT
  2. Analysis of transformation methods in image watermarking using subsampling
  3. Based on the remainder theorem and direct dechirp operation, an algorithm for estimation of chirp rate and initial frequency of the subsampling wideband LFM signal unambiguously is presented.
  4. In some applications, sampling with Nyquist frequency may be hard to implement due to hardware limitation. Based on subsampling, a method which estimates the modulation rate and initial frequency of the ultra-wideband LFM signal is presented in this paper.
  5. Then the author mentioned that the incomplete subsampling is one of reliability preprocessing methods, it includes instantaneous failure, data induction and Johnson method, etc.
  6. A Method for Estimation Parameters of UWB LFM Signal with Subsampling
  7. Based on the cross-spectra ESPRIT algorithm and remainder theorem, the modulation rate and initial frequency of the subsampling ultra-wideband LFM signal are estimated unambiguously and precisely even in low SNR.
  8. By using the cross subsampling, rhombus filer two dimensional DPCM, motion check, inter frame and intra frame insert, the rate of digital color television signal will be compressed from 216Mb/ s to 34Mb/ s.
  9. The subsampling process is splitted into two stages.
  10. The Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Subsampling
  11. Since the subsampling wideband LFM signal and its two difference delay visions conjugation product are all single tones, the chirp rate is estimated unambiguously by FFT and spectrum peak search detection ( PSD) and remainder theorem.
  12. Study on the Space Pattern and Subsampling Technique of Corn Leaf Mites
  13. In the paper, to meet the dynamic performance requirements of digital receiver, a subsampling receiv ˉ er architecture is introduced.
  14. The residential areas, cultural and educational areas, city parks, commercial areas, urban roads, industrial zones, development zones in Hohhot were taken as the research objects, the soil samples were randomly collected by triple subsampling technique in each functional zone.
  15. In MRI, subsampling is used to reduce data scanning time which does not satisfy the Nyquist sampling frequency and result in image aliasing.
  16. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a better reconstruction performance than the traditional methods. The relationship between the quality of the reconstructed MR images and different type of sampling matrix, and different subsampling rate is discussed.
  17. In this paper, key algorithms of electronic reconnaissance signal processing and the subsampling wideband digital receiver of electronic reconnaissance are researched, combining with the hardware characteristic of the wideband digital receiver.
  18. Sparse representation in traditional image reconstruction does not take into account the structure in the data space. Especially when the sparse representation dictionary is formed merely using the subsampling data, image cannot be sparse represented effectively.
  19. The traditional subsampling based information hiding algorithm can not resist the permutation attack. In this paper, an improved algorithm is proposed to resist the permutation attack.