I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other. 我个人从来都不同意性别有优劣之分的观点。
Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available. 员工申请认购的股份远远超出实际可认购的额度。
Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese. 且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。
We subscribed to100 magazines. 我们订购了100本杂志。
I subscribed several kinds of newspaper. 我订购了几份报纸。
The above means that the user whose subscription ID is160 has subscribed to two subjects: Gardening and Golf. 这些数据意味着订阅ID为160的用户订阅了两个主题:Gardening和Golf。
A broker holds information about which subscribers have subscribed to which topics and how to deliver messages to them. 代理存储关于哪些订阅者订阅了哪些主题以及如何向其交付消息的信息。
You are now subscribed to the process. 现在,您订阅了流程。
The subscribed method is called by the client when a subscription request has been acknowledged by the broker. 当代理确认了订阅请求后,即调用订阅方法。
I subscribed to this series so that I won't miss any future talks. 我订购了这个系列,这样就不会错过以后的演讲了。
This view displays the subscribed feeds and websites to logged-in users. 这个视图向已登录用户展示了已订阅的提要和Web站点。
We subscribed to a few magazines. 我们订阅了几份杂志。
I've just subscribed Benjamin franklin's autobiography. 我刚刚订了一部”本杰明富兰克林“的自传。
You have successfully subscribed to all changes. 您已经成功地订阅了所有变化。
You are already subscribed to this document. 您已经订阅了这篇文档。
I've subscribed to China daily. 我订了中国日报。
I subscribed to a lot of periodicals last year. 去年我订了许多期刊。
The Shanda IPO was 10 times subscribed. 盛大游戏的ipo获得了10倍认购。
Check for new messages in subscribed folders. 检查预订文件夹中的新邮件。
E-mail is delivered to team members who have subscribed for check-in notification. 向那些订阅了签入通知的团队成员发送电子邮件。
She has subscribed for a new Chinese-English dictionary. 她已预订了一本新编的汉英词典。
Subscribers can be subscribed to the event system by appending them to the list. 订户可以被事件系统将其添加到列表中以完成订阅。
ELISA subscribed to a new fashion magazine. 订阅了一本新的时尚杂志。
You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages. 仍可查看已订阅的源和最近查看过的一些网页。
This information includes subscriber billing information and the types of special features they subscribed to. 这一信息包括用户记帐信息以及他们所订购的特别功能类型。
The British, German, Italian, and Russian Governments subscribed to this. 英国、德国、意大利和俄国等国政府都赞成这个方案。
You have already subscribed to this document or folder. 您已经订阅此文档或文件夹。
You are not subscribed to any newsgroups on this account. 您没有预订本帐号上的任何新闻组。
I have subscribed to that magazine for years. 我订阅那种杂志已好几年了。