
英 [ˈsjuːpəkuːlɪŋ] 美 [ˌsupərˈkulɪŋ]

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  1. Determination of the supercooling points of various castes and developmental stages of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta ( Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in mainland China
  2. Two measures was adopted to obtain D-type graphite cast iron including casting in water-cooled permanent mould and adding alloying elements to increase supercooling tendency of the molten iron.
  3. Liquefied natural gas, or LNG, made by supercooling gas into liquid form to shrink its volume and make it easier to transport, has traditionally been a niche product.
  4. Study on Energy Storage and Supercooling Properties of Phase Change Materials Used in Mesothermal Solar Collector Heat System; Microbial, Physical and Chemical Changes during Processing and Storage in Chinese Bacon
  5. The results indicate that the addition of a nucleating agent and a thickening agent can inhibit supercooling and eliminate segregation.
  6. The nymphs of3and4 stadia can hibernate, their average supercooling temperature are-7.
  7. Relationship between the supercooling point and the biochemical componens of Agrius convolvuli
  8. Experience proves, supercooling phenomenon is easy to occur to make products temperature has reached the eutectic point.
  9. The pressure fluctuation brought by the ultrasound will influence the supercooling and nucleation process of water.
  10. The oligomer is apt to form a larger scale crystal under a low degree of supercooling.
  11. The degree of supercooling of condensate influences greatly the safe and economic operation performance of units.
  12. But it has the problems of phase segregation and supercooling during the phase change process.
  13. With 1.13 vol% volume fraction, it can eliminate degree of supercooling basically.
  14. Freezing phenomena of water and water based slurry has been analyzed theoretically and experimentally, especially on expansion and supercooling of water and the characters of ice structure.
  15. The effect of 800 kHz ultrasound is investigated experimentally in this paper. It is found that the degree of supercooling of water can be decreased greatly by the ultrasound.
  16. The main factors effecting supercooling were analyzed and the crystalline grain critical size under supercooling has been calculated theoretically on the basis of the microcosmic mechanism analysis of pure tin freezing and supercooling.
  17. The constitutional supercooling criterion of alloys with peritectic reaction in the directional solidification was proposed.
  18. And the relationship between the formation ofinclusions and the supercooling at growth interface is discussed.
  19. The supercooling of water is influenced by many factors.
  20. The composition supercooling, and how to prevent it and improve the crystal perfection are discussed.
  21. Ideal first-order phase transition and non-ideal phase transition that have supercooling quark phase in the early universe are analysed.
  22. Study on ultrasound's effect on supercooling of water
  23. Growth properties of Al_xGa_ ( 1-x) As by short-time LPE with supercooling regime at 710 ℃ are reported.
  24. The supercooling phenomenon in living beings is analyzed by phase equilibrium conditions.
  25. Subsequently, theories related to the formation of microstructure in laser melted zones-thermodynamics in solidification, hierarchy of non-equilibrium, the constitutional supercooling criterion and the absolute stability criterion, solidification controlled by sol-ute diffusion are outlined.
  26. The constitutional supercooling and internal growth striation in the SNLN crystals have been overcome and the optical homogeneity of the crystals have been improved by employing optimum growth condition and technique.
  27. Liquid food were simplified as the dual material. Then it was simulated by coupling phase field with solute field under the isothermal condition. the effects of ice crystal morphology and solute field on freezing time and degrees of supercooling were studied.
  28. However, frozen out of cells and cytolymph supercooling are two useful adaptive mechanism for plant to avoid injury.