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  1. Superelasticity Measurement of Ti-Ni Alloy and Its Complex with Ceramics
  2. Mechanics Model of a Kind of Novel Damper Based on SMA's Superelasticity
  3. Superelasticity of Ti-102 3 Titanium Alloy
  4. The Effect of Heat-treatment and Cold Deformation on Non-linear Superelasticity of Ti-Ni Alloy
  5. Development and applications of nickel-titanium alloys with shape memory effect and superelasticity
  6. The new stress rate is applied to a hypoelastic body experiencing simple shear, there is no oscillation in the stresses and the general normal stress-shear stress relation for superelasticity is also satisfied.
  7. A new type of copper-base alloy with elasticity has been developed by means of the principle of stress that induced martensitic transformation to produce superelasticity. The new material possesses good elasticity and its production cost is low.
  8. Experimental results show that columnar grain wires exhibit excellent superelasticity and strain recovery property similar to single crystal wires, and its bending fatigue life lies between polished and unpolished states of single crystal.
  9. Superelasticity of shape memory alloys is one of the most important mechanical behavior, researches on superelasticity are the focus for application of shape memory alloys.
  10. Ribbons can show perfect shape memory effect and superelasticity with higher transformation strain and smaller stress hysteresis compared with bulk materials.
  11. A new internal variable, shape memory factor, was defined, it can describe the shape memory effect and superelasticity of shape memory alloy and possesses clear physical meaning.
  12. The nearly equiatomic nickel-titanium ( NiTi) alloy is a potential biomaterials for fabricating implants due to its unique properties such as shape memory effects, superelasticity and radiopacity.
  13. A constitutive model for superelasticity of shape memory alloy based on neural network
  14. The superelasticity of alloy is related to operating temperature, the excellent superelasticity is in the temperature region above Af, and the lower temperature limit is Af+ 17-22 ℃.
  15. The alloy reveals a behaviour for superelasticity, i. e., if the strain exceeds no more than its elastic limit, the whole transition process may be reversible, and the macro-or micro-feature may be back to beginning after unloading at any point of the curve.
  16. The microstructure and linear superelasticity of 22% cold worked Ti-49. 8at% Ni alloy has been studied by tensile test at various temperature and TEM observation.
  17. The effects of textures to anisotropy of superelasticity are studied.
  18. The anisotropy of elastic modulus and superelasticity are coursed by the anisotropy of texture.
  19. For the Superelasticity of the wires, the heat-treated wires show better superelasticity than as-fabricated wires. The critical stress for stress-induced martensitic transformation decreases after two-way shape memory training.
  20. Generally, martensite twin, grain orientation, precipitation phase and grain size play an important part on the superelasticity.
  21. A brief introduction of the main mechanical behavior of SMA including the shape memory effect and superelasticity was presented at first.
  22. While, as for these kinds of β titanium alloys, the studies of the mechanisms of cold deformation and superelasticity were not so deep.
  23. The research of the transformation of martensite and microstructure during cold deformation is very important to learn the superelasticity and shape memory effects of this alloy.
  24. It is reported that the reversible martensite transformation has significant influence on both the superelasticity and the elastic anisotropy in Ti-Nb based alloy.
  25. The shape memory effects and superelasticity are important to the application of this alloy.