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  1. When the induced hemolymph was heated, the supernate had inhibitive effect on bacteria, but had no effect on fungi.
  2. Proteomic change of human embryonic pulmonary fibroblasts caused by supernate of silica-treated alveolar macrophage
  3. The supernate of virus culture was used as templet in overlapping PCR, then the interesting gene was obtained.
  4. The levels of interferon-γ ( IFN-γ) and interleukin-4 ( IL-4) in supernate of the lymphocytes were determined by ELISA assay after culture for 48 h.
  5. METHODS: Lactobacillus fermentum was inoculated in medium containing 1% sucrose and different concentrations of CPP-ACP and grew in anaerobic condition at 37 ℃ for 48 hours. The primary pH values and final pH values of the supernate were measured, then the △ pH was compared.
  6. However, neither HI nor NT antibody was detected out in the culture supernate of cells infected with the3 strains of virus and regardless of inactivators(β-propiolactone or formalin) used.
  7. The A21-6 strain was also used to stimulate the THP-1 cells or cells pretreated with PKC inhibitor DECA for different time interval, and then the PKC activation and IL-6 production in the supernate were assayed.
  8. The contents of IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-β in supernate of NDV group and control group were examined by ELISA.
  9. Changes of interleukin 3. interleukin 6. tumor necrosis factor and interferon levels in the long-term cultured supernate of autologous bone marrow stroma cells
  10. Objective To detect content variety of IL 1 in blood ( serum? supernate) and joint synovial fluid of experimental animals.
  11. The supernate of the fermentation broth was highly active against Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus. The minimal inhibitory concentrations ( MIC) of supernate against these bacteria were diluted 1000, 1600, 3600, 2400 fold, respectively.
  12. In this study, we collected 30 embryo to assay the activity of liver supernate. The results showed that an substance with biological activity of stimulating hepatoma cells proliferation existed in embryonic liver ( less 12-week postfertilization).
  13. Results With the concentration of CPP-ACP increasing, the final pH value of supernate rose and the △ pH dropped, the acid production of Streptococcus mutans decreased ( P 0.01).
  14. Effect of Different Extracts of Radix Changii on Formation of Lipid Peroxide from Supernate of Rat Liver Homogenate
  15. The results showed that the fusion proteins, Trx-Drs and Trx-Drs-lC, were expressed as soluble proteins. The soluble expression level of Trx-Drs in the supernate amounted to 22% of the total proteins of bacteria.
  16. Conclusion Recombinant adenovirus expression vector of hBD_ 2 could be effectively expressed in dMSCs, and the recombinant hBD_ 2 in supernate showed obvious antiseptic effects toward some standard bacteria lines.
  17. Interleukin 2 and interleukin 6 in culture supernate were estimated by ABC amplified ELISA.
  18. Bioactivity of Ethanol Supernate of Vinegar
  19. The results showed that the MDA level in supernate of culture media and cell homogenate increased significantly ( P < 0.01) when the cell was cultured under hypoxic environment, and added various concentrations of tetramethylpyrazine could prevent this phenomenon.
  20. The neuron survival rate was measured by MTT assay, nitric oxide synthase ( NOS) contents in the supernate of culture media were determined by nitrate reductase assay and the apoptosis rate of neuron was measured by flow cytometer.
  21. Using nitrate reductase method to study the effect of medicine onNO content of cultured cell supernate fluid.