A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and a number of the like. 一个人不能自承有功而免矜夸之嫌,更不用说是不能表扬自己底功绩了;他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;诸如此类的事很多。
So to benefit female tantric practitioners he asked me to write a praise to Dakas to supplicate their blessings. 因此,为了利益女性密法行人,他请我写一个向空行勇父的赞颂以启请他们的加持。
In the dream Medicine Guru Buddha told him to repeat the name of spotless eyes Buddha to supplicate for blessing to his eye disease. 在梦中药师如来佛告诉他持念无垢目如来以祈求加持他的眼疾。
When an individual wants to get married, they should have the intention to have righteous children and supplicate Allaah to this effect. 人一旦结婚了,便会祈求安拉赐予他们一个健康善良的孩子。
In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. 藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多崇高的大师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。
A man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; 他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;
Rather a pilgrim is to supplicate Allah and ask Him whatever he desires. 更正确的是朝觐者祈祷安拉,向安拉寻求自己的愿望。