
n.  电纳



  1. Inductance-capacitance circuit having infinite reactance, zero susceptance at resonance.
  2. Wide-band voltage tunable oscillator Inductance-capacitance circuit having zero reactance, infinite susceptance at resonance.
  3. Influence of Age Using Three Frequencies Probe Tone on Acoustic Conductance and Acoustic Susceptance of Tympanometry
  4. Voleage stability Static voltage stability limit smallest module-eigenvalue susceptance model in the heaviest load bus;
  5. The sensitivity calculation formulae of δ_ ( min) for the active and reactive power of node and for parallel susceptance are presented. Thus, the compensation nodes can be chosen according to the sensitivity indexes.
  6. The measure of reactive power regulation mainly includes changing OLTC transformer taps, shunt capacitors susceptance and generator voltages.
  7. Susceptance Measurement Method at Header Point of Transmission Line
  8. A universal procedure for allocating losses in distribution networks by perturbing shunt susceptance
  9. Based on this, the circuits are divided into two parts: positive and negative sequence networks. To the characteristic of unbalanced power, a method is deduced of computing the susceptance of static var compensator ( SVC) to compensate the unbalanced load.
  10. For low frequencies, the dielectric constant has no significant influence on the driven point susceptance, and there exists a frequency band in that different dielectric constants give the same driven point susceptance.
  11. The Design of Frequency Selective Surfaces ( FSS) With Multilayer Susceptance Grids
  12. When the frequency is relative low, the driven point conductance does not change significantly with the change of the dielectric constant, while the driven point susceptance changes linearly with the frequency.
  13. Base frequency equivalent reactance and susceptance of SVC are expressed as an explicit function of its control angle and Newton-Raphson power flow equations are derived.
  14. Considering the on-site requirement to the protection, the susceptance error and phase angle of the compensated admittance are integrated as a novel algorithm of single phase-to-earth fault of NUGS.
  15. Then, an efficient method for upgrading the reversibility of full bus admittance matrix of a distribution network is proposed by perturbing shunt susceptance.
  16. Regarding the instantaneous reactive power theory as basis, find out the equivalent compensation susceptance of each phase in three-phase unsymmetrical load, then transform the value of equivalent susceptance to the trigger angle of thyristor, finally, rapid reactive power compensation could be achieved.
  17. In the calculation of the thyristor gating delay angle, using the rational interpolation to construct a rational interpolation function, to express the relationship between the thyristor gating delay angle and the equivalent susceptance of fundamental wave.