These plants develop elaborate haustorial structures from the suspensor. 这些植物从胚柄中发育出精致的吸器组织。
The proembryo from zygotic cell divisions may be divided into three parts: proper, hypoblast and suspensor. 玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、基与胚体三部分。
The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi-cellular suspensor. 在多细胞原胚及球形胚期具有单列或不规则排列的多细胞胚柄。
Early division phase embryos may use metabolites provided by the suspensor, persistent and degenerating synergids. 早期分裂时期的胚可以利用胚柄,宿存和退化中的助细胞所提供的代谢物。
The suspensor is thought to function as a channel for the conduction of food materials. 胚柄被认为是作为运输营养物质的通道。
The nucellar embryo had a suspensor, its development passed through the similar stages of the zygotic embryo. 珠心胚发育经历与合子胚相同的发育阶段。
The suspensor remains as the seed reaches maturity. After pollination one synergid degenerates and one synergid still exists during the ellipsoidal embryo stage and undergoes a slow degeneration. 成熟胚中胚柄宿存。传粉后,一个助细胞退化,宿存助细胞至椭形胚期尚存在。
The suspensor remains as the seed reaches maturity. The suspensor is short and small, and only exists transiently. 成熟胚中胚柄宿存。胚柄短小,寿命短暂。
At the heart-shaped embryo stage, the suspensor was well developed. 心形胚时期,胚柄最为发达。
With the devel-opment of the apical cell, the basal cell undergoes transverse division to form two cells: the upper one forms the single cell suspensor; 随着顶细胞的发育,基细胞也进行横分裂产生上下两个细胞,上方一个体积略为增大而形成胚柄;
The embryo initials and suspensor cells showed very weak Feulgen positive reaction in the proembryo and young embryo. 在原胚及幼胚胚原细胞质中也呈现很弱的正反应。
The suspensor is developed fully at the stage of globular embryo and consists of 3 cells, which are degenerated later. 胚柄在球形胚时期最发达,但胚柄短小,只由3个扁平细胞组成,之后逐渐退化。
The suspensor began to degenerate after late heart-shaped stage. 胚柄于心形胚晚期开始退化。
The suspensor appears to remain active throughout the differentiation stages. 胚柄在胚分化时期明显地分化为基部区域和颈部区域。
Embryonal suspensor masses and early stage proembryos were formed from embryogenic callus cultured on high osmotic pressure medium. 提高培养基的渗透压后,愈伤组织内形成大量的胚性胚柄细胞团和早期原胚。
Suspensor is shorter and consists of 3 cells. 胚柄短小,由三个细胞构成;
There are two cases in the formation of the abnormal seeds: 1. The abortion of the embryos. No starch grains exist in the embryos and suspensor cells. 在发育不正常的种子中,存在两种情况:1.胚自身的败育:在胚及胚柄系统中无淀粉颗粒分布,雌配子体中有或没有淀粉粒存在;
In this mutant the primary embryo proper ( EP) developed normally while some of the suspensor cells were transformed into meristematic cells instead of going into programmed cell death ( PCD). 对多胚突变体的胚胎学研究表明,由顶细胞发育而来的初生胚体正常发育成胚,部分胚柄细胞转变成为具有强烈分裂能力的细胞而不是进入程序性死亡。
The suspensor is short and small, and only exists transiently. 胚柄短小,寿命短暂。
The globular embryoids and the suspensor structure were observed. The mature somatic embryoid was wrapped by leaf primordium and was cylinder shaped. 观察到球形胚和胚柄结构,成熟胚状体为圆筒状,芽分生组织为叶原基包裹。
Transfer cells in suspensor and endosperm during early embryogeny of Vigna sinensis 豇豆胚胎发育早期的胚柄及胚乳中的传递细胞
From the late club shaped to early heart shaped embryo stage, the suspensor grew to its maximum length. 棒形胚后期至心形胚初期,胚柄最为发达。
The trumpet_shaped hypoblast was a transitional region situated between the suspensor and the embryo proper. 胚基为胚柄和胚体之间的过渡区,呈喇叭状,胚基与胚柄不能等同。
A few abnormal embryos were observed, for instance, proembryos with elongated suspensor and vacuolated proembryos. 观察到具细长胚柄的原胚及液泡化原胚等异常的胚胎类型;
These meristematic cells were of embryogenic ability and developed into one, two, three or more embryos in one suspensor so that globular proembryos developed in tandem within the seed and were connected by segments of the suspensor. 这些特殊的胚柄细胞具有胚胎发生能力,胚柄中可以观察到多个球形原胚形成,多个原胚由宿存的胚柄细胞连接成一串。
The suspensor remains as the seed reaches maturity. 成熟胚中胚柄宿存。
Thereafter, one of the suspensor cells disassembles, meanwhile, all the other cells are dividing from all directions, which results in the formation of globular embryo. 之后,1个胚柄细胞解体,原胚所有细胞进行各方向的分裂,进而形成球形胚。
Low temperature was not necessary condition to embryonic development of parthenocarpic varieties, but will induce the formation of the abscission layer cells of suspensor, then leading to flower and fruit drop phenomenon at last. 2. 表明低温不是单性结实胚胎发育异常的必要条件,但会诱导非单性结实品种胚柄离层细胞的形成,最终导致落花落果现象的出现。
It is also confirmed that the cell proliferation in the suspensor of the interspecies hybrid is similar to the maternal parent in some extent. 且在细胞增殖方面,种间杂种的胚柄也表现出一定的母本倾向。
Comparision of of suspensor developement among the hybrid of an interspecies cross and two parents: there were obvious differences on the cell numbers of the suspensor between two parents. 种间杂种与亲本胚柄发育过程的比较:在两个亲本中胚柄细胞的数量有着明显的差异。