
英 [sweɪðz] 美 [sweɪðz]

n.  (尤指割了庄稼的)一长条田地; 一长条; 一长片
v.  包; 裹; 覆盖


    The noun is also spelled swath.

  1. N-COUNT (土地的)一长条,一长片
    A swathe of land is a long strip of land.
    1. On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory...
    2. Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.
  2. N-COUNT 一长条(尤指用来包裹某人或某物的布料)
    A swathe of cloth is a long strip of cloth, especially one that is wrapped around someone or something.
    1. ...swathes of white silk.
  3. VERB (用布料)把…包裹住,把…围住
    To swathe someone or something in cloth means to wrap them in it completely.
    1. She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics...
    2. His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.
  4. PHRASE 使遭到严重破坏;使发生巨变
    If a person or thing cuts a swathe through something, they pass through it causing great destruction or change.
    1. The storm cut a swathe through southern England...
    2. Keegan's team have been cutting an irresistible swathe through the first division.


  1. Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.
  2. She swathes her face in a veil of decorative muslin.
  3. When the particles are swept towards the poles and react with ions in the atmosphere, the result creates Mother Nature's amazing light show as vivid swathes of bright colour shoot across the night sky.
  4. The couple wore matching traditional Malay dress, with the bride's veil constructed of swathes of intricate lace.
  5. The rebels control swathes of land in the north and east, where the regime shells towns and villages and sends its aircraft to bomb military and civilian targets.
  6. A cold wave sweeping across large swathes of China has forced power rationing in some provinces.
  7. All 10 major sectors are expected to record lower profits, with basic materials, energy and financials leading the retreat, as the global economic downturn and tough financing markets take their toll on vast swathes of corporate America.
  8. And began to collect swathes of the gods and the top of the killed human soul and strength.
  9. The manufacture of traditional delicacies, ornaments and medicinal ingredients has helped to cut swathes through populations of sharks, elephants, seahorses and other species across the world and that demand is only expected to increase.
  10. The resulting economic shrinkage is leaving large swathes of property in negative equity.
  11. But as guarantees, both explicit and implicit, are withdrawn, the hope is that self-discipline will be imposed on banks, not just swathes of new regulation.
  12. Swathes of the country now appear to be out of Gaddafi's control.
  13. The proposals would limit the size of the future investor base for complex financial products, bring large swathes of the derivatives markets into regulators 'sights and require banks to spend significantly more on technology and risk management.
  14. Rushing through large swathes of new legislation is not the answer.
  15. The fire reduced vast swathes of the city to ruins.
  16. The event shut down swathes of Madison Avenue and Bond Street.
  17. He is clear about the need for the state to stay in control of so-called strategic sectors which, in China, translates into large swathes of the economy.
  18. Fires damaged huge swathes of southern spain.
  19. In these places, large swathes of industry ( transportation, banking, retail, construction and manufacturing) are under the control of the overseas Chinese.
  20. Millions of people in Asia will see the longest total solar eclipse this century as swathes of India and China are plunged into darkness.
  21. Artificial auroras lit up the night across swathes of ocean.
  22. Moreover, for "wasteland", like swathes of Tawa's mountain slopes, auctions are common.
  23. Rizal used a door latch he found to prise open coconuts floating by amid swathes of debris.
  24. Large swathes of China is seismically unstable, although most earthquakes occur in the relatively sparsely populated western regions.
  25. Each year hundreds of volunteers and villagers plant four different varieties of rice in late May across huge swathes of paddy fields.
  26. Mr Pitera has ideas for how Detroit might use its swathes of abandoned land, whether for farms or artists, theatres or wind projects.
  27. These heavy bolters provide a storm of fire, to cut swathes through enemy infantry and light vehicles.
  28. The Papuan development will involve clearing vast swathes of virgin rainforest, including additional areas for support facilities.
  29. Gambling is the heart of Macao, employing swathes of the workforce and supplying by far the bulk of government revenues.
  30. What applies with champagne applies across whole swathes of industries: the top end is suffering.