Waves of gleaners sift the sweepings of Hanoi's streets, just as children pick over the rubbish of Maputo's main tip. 越南河内的街道上是一波又一波的捡垃圾的,马普托的大垃圾场里可以看到捡垃圾的孩子。
Suddenly, he saw, among the sweepings in a corner, something round and white that looked very much like a hen's egg. 正在这时候,他看到一堆垃圾里好像有一样东西,圆滚滚的、白花花的,完全像个鸡蛋。
The sweepings from the cracks in our Wang family's floor are enough to last you a lifetime. 把我王家的地缝子扫一扫,就够你们过一辈子呢。
Yet he only thought about it, and stuck to the tea leaf sweepings which cost one cent a packet. 只是想到了,他还是喝那一个子儿一包的碎末。