It would be seamlessly synched with all of your devices and with iCloud. It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. 它将实现与你所有的设备及iCloud的无缝同步,它能拥有你所能想象到的最简化操作界面。
Easily update the report by right-clicking it on the drawing page so that your data is synched up with the details you added. 右键单击绘图页上的报告,可以轻松更新该报告,以便您的数据与添加的细节内容同步。
The cockpit has no joystick-the aircraft is controlled by means of a wireless'glove'with several dozen motion sensors synched to the aircraft's avionics software. 在驾驶舱中找不到控制杆,飞机是经由“无线手套”安装了数十个和飞机航电软件同步的感应器的手套这样的装置来控制。