
网络  句法的; 语法的; 句法; 依照句法的; 一个句法

BNC.41103 / COCA.34337


  1. When invoked with no options, a tool will typically print the contents of its syntactical help, which will can assist you in obtaining the grid runtime information you might need.
  2. It is checked only for syntactical validity when the profile itself is validated.
  3. Fairly straightforward syntax in comparison with some programming languages, where depending on the programming language, coding or syntactical changes may be frequent.
  4. The system level error includes syntactical error, null pointer exception, web service timeout, database connection timeout, and so on.
  5. Even if it did, regular expressions in GWT have syntactical differences when deployed as client and server code.
  6. One of the dangers of learning a new version of any language is the tendency to go crazy with new syntactical structures.
  7. Last but not least, UML drops many low-level syntactical details such as namespace prefixes, local and global elements, and whether a concept is an element or an attribute.
  8. Finally, there are some minor syntactical differences that need to be changed; for example, the ref element inside a property element has an id attribute instead of the bean attribute used in Spring.
  9. CSS revolutionized the design of web pages, but CSS technology continues to be static and limited in its syntactical flourishes.
  10. This syntactical decision gives you a degree of flexibility in the implementation of abstract-class derivatives.
  11. All these syntactical advantages of using XML and JSP become obvious, especially when the code generator needs lots of attributes.
  12. Interceptors are applied in accordance with a set of syntactical patterns and filters defined in the XML.
  13. Name translation: unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire.
  14. ( grammar) standing apart from a normal syntactical relation with other sentence elements.
  15. Commas(,) are used in some syntactical constructs to separate the elements of a list.
  16. Through a study on the iconicity at the lexical and syntactical levels, we may get a clearer understanding of the important role of cognition in linguistic rules.
  17. This paper discusses basic lexical and syntactical features of English used in construction engineering and proposes some methods and strategies for translating texts of construction engineering.
  18. And if you want to start out really light, eclipse has support for stylistic and syntactical coding standards within the standard JDT.
  19. To describe ( a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence.
  20. There exist differences of parts of speech between English and Chinese, especially when served as such syntactical elements as subject, predicate, object, attributive, adverb, etc.
  21. Based on the previous studies, the article gives a further syntactical study of Uygur language, attaching importance to sentence type and sentence structure.
  22. Syntactic Features of English Journalistic News Texts and the Relation between Syntactical Devices and Orientation Realization
  23. On stylistic features of syntactical structure in the King James Bible
  24. The boundary between transitive and intransitive verbs is clear-cut, as is determined by the syntactical structure instead of semantic values.
  25. The Toad Extension does semantical and syntactical validation of the database related code.
  26. It In other words there is a kind of grammatical and syntactical permissibility obviously in the expression It is raining.
  27. This paper analyzes the stylistic features of the novel Lolita written by Russian American Vladimir Nabokov from lexical, syntactical and phonological levels.
  28. This introduces the need for a new organizational role that is tasked with enforcing the processes and syntactical characteristics that are defined as part of the strategy.
  29. Think about that. Language, we suppose, is, in addition to being a set of grammatical and syntactical rules, also a set of definitions made available for speech acts.
  30. This paper makes a deep probe into the syntactical functions of English and Chinese numerical idioms based upon convincing examples.



  1. of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax
    1. the syntactic rules of a language

    Synonym:    syntactic