
英 [ˈtɛtʃiz] 美 [ˈtɛkiz]

n.  科技通; 科技迷; (尤指)电脑通,电脑迷


  1. 技术人员;(尤指)计算机专业人员
    Some people refer to someone who works in a technological industry, especially computing, as a techie .


    1. Carbonite, known to techies as a name-brand online backup provider, illustrates the dilemma.
    2. Still, getting the word out beyond the early adopters, techies and photography fanatics could prove tricky.
    3. A decade from now the smart techies who decided to become app developers may wish they had taken an applied-mathematics class or two.
    4. Before bringing up telecommuting with your boss again, ask your in-house techies for help in hack-proofing the devices you plan to use.
    5. As always, this guide covers what average consumers doing typical tasks should look for in a desktop or laptop PC. that excludes heavy-duty gamers, corporate buyers, techies, or enthusiasts.
    6. However, what I had in mind when I wrote that was something more drastic, something a number of techies I know do annually: a complete replacement of windows.
    7. And the company, which in recent years seemed to care only about corporate customers, techies and hard-core gamers, appears once again interested in average, mainstream consumers who value simplicity.
    8. Iterative development is not just an internal process that only the "techies" need to understand.
    9. Today's version has been attracting throngs of techies by word of mouth for two years, allowing SuperHappyDevHouse to codify a collaborative culture for a new generation of inventors.
    10. As local techies lined up to take selfies with him, Mr Collison seemed embarrassed.
    11. But never mind that, since the meal replacements save techies money and time.
    12. In the 1980s, such techies were known as cypherpunks and were obsessed with using complex encryption to keep communications secret.
    13. And then those techies could vow to not make the same mistakes.
    14. Twenty thousand techies were running around showing each other their apps.
    15. But their rivals will mostly be other western cities: Berlin, which competes with London for artists and techies, Oxford or Austin, Texas.
    16. Call it the six abs of highly effective techies& HGH bodies for PHP minds.
    17. Online electronics retailer Newegg, which started accepting bitcoin in July, said it did so because its client base is full of techies.
    18. After winning a few glowing reviews this year in the American and European tech press, the One became a sensation among techies far beyond China.
    19. But the programs that techies at hedge funds and banks create tend to look alike.
    20. Also, after extensive training with the Orcish voodoo priests of Kalimdor, the Techies are adept at laying paralysis-inducing traps along with their potent explosives.
    21. This is a niche book for the techies that like to build their own PCs.
    22. Having announced his aim ( the house) in advance, MacDonald likely got a boost from techies eager to see the Internet pass this daring test of its networking power.
    23. The same applies to businesses: Why have a bank of humming email servers and a team of techies to maintain them if you can outsource that function?
    24. With a bit more effort, techies could also compute ratios, inverses, sines, cosines and tangents.
    25. The IT Product Owner is a mere go-between for the techies and the business.
    26. The few real techies I know have tried to protect themselves by buying software that generates an endless stream of random passwords and remembers the lot of them.
    27. In line with their goblin brethren, the techies have the skill of laying mines in the earth, invisible to the naked eye.
    28. Initially, the downloads might also appeal to techies who want to try out the new product and might not necessarily be fans of the programs, which could bring these shows a new audience.