
网络  枯燥乏味; 乏味; 无聊


  1. Because of the singleness and tediousness on representation, the traditional historical documentary lacks of visibility.
  2. To stay separate from the tediousness of daily experiences, she purposely magnifies the details, attempting to elevate a self-image that is wise and beautiful, resolute and determined.
  3. It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems, and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods.
  4. The main problem in accessing of network database from remote workstations is low in speed and tediousness in access procedure.
  5. The adaptive strategies of seedlings and young trees to water stress including the reparation, compensation, resource reallocation and growth tediousness, and two adaptation types drought avoidance and drought resistance were formed.
  6. Essentially, the tediousness in growth is an ecological strategy of an organism to adapt itself to the fluctuating environment, increasing the stability of reproduction and decreasing the risk of extinction.
  7. However, when learning English many a student loses heart because of the tediousness of English teaching, which leads to their little progress in English learning.
  8. Through role-playing, players not only released the pressure, tediousness and anguish in their real life, to meet the emotional satisfaction, but also based on the experience of the online games virtual space to reflect on their own in real life.



  1. dullness owing to length or slowness

      Synonym:    tediumtiresomeness