In addition, they found that tell-tale burst of gamma waves was almost always preceded by a change in alpha brain-wave intensity in the visual cortex, which controls what we see. 另外他们还发现,在伽玛波爆发前,几乎总伴随着控制视觉的脑部视觉皮质中阿尔法脑电波(alphabrain-wave)的强度变化。
Another tell-tale sign of a broken paragraph might be those that begin with followed by a lowercase alphabetic character. 破坏段落的另一个指示可能是,段落以开头,后跟一个小写字母符号。
Perhaps it is tell-tale to divulge that for a moment Hook entranced her, and we tell on her only because her slip led to strange results. 要说胡克这一刻真的迷惑了温迪,似乎是贬低了她,但我们提到这一点,是因为温迪的失误引起了意想不到的后果。
Then they made one last check to make sure that no one could hear the tell-tale click of the English soldiers boots on the road. 他们最后确认了一次没有在路上听到英国军队巡逻的声音,便偷偷溜了出去。
Tell-tale signs include reports of activity at a long-range missile site and hints of activity at a nuclear test site. 令人不安的迹象包括一个远程导弹基地相关活动的报道和核试验场所的活动迹象。
In particular, the once-white walls were already greyish and showed streaks from the heavy rains – tell-tale design of a poor finish. 特别是本来是白色的外墙已经开始变灰,大雨的冲刷在墙上留下了一道道水痕,这无意间泄漏了表面设计上的缺陷。
High Order Path Access Point Identifier circuit closed tell-tale 高阶通道接入不敷出点标识符回路接通指示灯
Elephant trunk-like dust pillars point towards the hot blue stars and are tell-tale signs of their eroding effect. 指向蓝色热星的象鼻状尘埃柱是辐射侵蚀效果的证据。
We also know that at seven months a fetus is dreaming, its muscles and eye movements giving the tell-tale signs of REM ( or rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. 我们还知道7个月大小的胎儿也做梦,胎儿的肌肉和眼动能清清楚楚地反映出快速眼动睡眠(REM)和非快速眼动睡眠(non-REM)信号。
Can this style be compared with Poe's writing style in "A Tell-Tale Heart"? 这种文体风格可不可以与爱伦·坡《泄密的心》的风格相比?
We will search for its tell-tale signs of the darkness of deep space. 并在黑暗中寻找他的蛛丝马迹。
Or is virtualization a technology who's time is almost here and open vendor collaboration announcements like this one from Microsoft are tell-tale signs it is a technology wave beginning to crest? 或者,虚拟技术已经找到了盛开绽放的时机。像微软公司这个声明一样的各种各样的协作口号正意味着新一波浪潮的兴起?
The faces were then analyzed for tell-tale expressions of pain, such as squeezed eyes and a furrowed nose and lip. 然后这些表情被用来分析他们痛苦的情况,比如挤眼睛,犟鼻子或者抿嘴唇。
This is as good a time as any to start examining ourselves for any of those tell-tale signs of success that lead to inner rot. 任何时间,我们都应该去自我检验伴随成功而来,却引起内部腐败的迹象。
The root causes of these diseases are not being addressed, and widespread obesity is the tell-tale signal. 这些疾病的根源并未得到处理,肥胖的普及便是能说明问题的标志。
Battery charging condition tell-tale 蓄电池充电状况警报灯
And nearly a third ( 29 per cent) of drivers have continued their journey, ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness. 近三人之一(百分之二十九)的出现这种情况的司机会完全忽视这种嗜睡症所显现出的首个迹象,并且会继续驾驶。
Battery charging condition tell-tale battery control lamp bulb 蓄电池充电状况警报灯蓄电池充电指示灯泡
"The tell-tale heart." I thought you didn't like reading the classics. 没错,我以为你不喜欢读经典作品。
A team of astronomers from the US and Britain, using the Hubble Space Telescope, found the tell-tale "spectroscopic" signature of methane molecules in the atmosphere of a planet 63 light years from earth. 来自英美两国的一些天文学家使用哈勃太空望远镜(hubblespacetelescope),在距离地球63光年的一颗行星的大气层中,发现了揭开谜底的有机分子“光谱”特征。
Tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale 轮胎充气压力警报灯
I can always tell when I have been writing too much for too long – my sentences start to display a tell-tale sameness. 在自己写的东西太多太长的时候,我总能意识得到&那时候我的句子会开始表现出一种搬弄是非的千篇一律。
Skylines have become logos, ciphers for dynamism and economic success, tell-tale spikes on a graph. 它们已成为城市标识、发展动力和经济成功的密码、图表中指示用的大头针。
In the capital, Kampala, you see tell-tale signs of a country struggling to keep up. 在首都坎帕拉,你可以看到这个国家在努力前进的童话般迹象。
Battery charging condition tell-tale self-contained portable electric lamp 蓄电池充电状况警报灯自给式手提蓄电池电灯
I was beginning to recognize thefirst tell-tale signs of panic. 我开始看出最初流露出的表示惊恐的种种迹象。
I watched her eyes for some tell-tale flash, some hint of dismay or bitterness; 我打量着她的眼睛,寻找某种泄露她内心隐秘的闪光,表示惶惑或者痛苦的眼神;
Your child tells you he didn't eat a cookie despite the tell-tale crumbs all over his mouth. 你的孩子对你说他没吃曲奇饼,尽管他的嘴巴边上全是暴露真相的饼干渣。
Tell-tale isotope signatures of what we eat and drink are found throughout our bodies in bones, fingernails and hair. 我们吃吃喝喝中留下了同位素签名的证据在我们的骨骼、手指甲及毛发中被发现。