
英 [ˈtentəkl] 美 [ˈtentəkl]

n.  触角; 触手; 触须; (大的地方、组织或系统难以避免的)影响,束缚,约束



Collins.1 / BNC.7471 / COCA.12431



  1. 触角;触手;触须
    a long thin part of the body of some creatures, such as an octopus , used for feeling or holding things, for moving or for getting food
    1. Tentacles of fear closed around her body.
  2. (大的地方、组织或系统难以避免的)影响,束缚,约束
    the influence that a large place, organization or system has and that is hard to avoid
    1. The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.


  1. (章鱼等的)触须,触手,触角
    The tentacles of an animal such as an octopus are the long thin parts that are used for feeling and holding things, for getting food, and for moving.
    1. N-COUNT (政治、商业、社会等机构的)影响力,触角
      If you talk about the tentacles of a political, commercial, or social organization, you are referring to the power and influence that it has in the outside community.
      1. Free speech is being gradually eroded year after year by new tentacles of government control.


    1. Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells ( cnidocytes) that can sting or kill other animals: most jellyfish use them to secure prey or for defence.
    2. The team's findings will be presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting tomorrow, where the shrimp and the tentacle will be a hot topic for discussion.
    3. Each tentacle is designed as a structure with Fin Ray Effect.
    4. The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g., the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus).
    5. If a gluey tentacle grabs too little of a big fly, the bug may suffer injury but still struggle to freedom.
    6. The ground-breaking effects used in The Abyss to digitally depict the water tentacle convinced Cameron that his liquid metal villain was now possible.
    7. Once they seize hold, each tentacle begins to curl and extend, as the oligo squeezes the cytoplasm out of itself until only a cellophane-like sheet of membrane remains.
    8. I see Draeni ( who I predicted) who now look like blue handsome tentacle people.
    9. Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel.
    10. Extrude selected polygons, if you extrude it more then you will have longer tentacle.
    11. Digestion, defecation and tentacles 'growth were observed by marking the food with 0.01% neutral red, operating the tentacle and cutting sections.
    12. In the mantle tentacle, many round cells and wavelike nerve fibers presented strongly NOS-positivity.
    13. Results: The description and transverse features of transverse section of the rhizome were described, and in the powder the microscopic features such as cluster needle crystals, tentacle, ring-thread vessel were found.
    14. Habituation of the tentacle withdrawal response in the land snails
    15. The debris of food was piled up on the top of tentacle cavity and was evacuated when the top tissue aged and cracked.
    16. The results show that the bearable strength of tentacle is as 0.7 times only as that of its body weight and the jigging-off rate caused by tentacle broken is nearly 100%.
    17. Stretched inertia tentacle guarantee the electronic contacting of sensor and metal to be tested.
    18. Spindle shaped cells were seen in homogeneous form on day 7 in culture with few tentacle.
    19. Acanthopanax sessiliflorus adaxial leaf epidemic cells arrange tightly with tentacle distribution. Most air holes are distributed around leaf veins.



    1. any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals

      1. something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold
        1. caught in the tentacles of organized crime