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  1. The study suggests that plants are able to produce more terpenes the chemicals that give them their smell-in hotter conditions.
  2. Study of the Reversal Effect and Mechanism on Multidrug Resistance of Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7/ ADM by the Total Terpenes of Celastrus Orbiculatus
  3. But SPME was suitable to extract the substances such as terpenes, aldehyde ketones and small polar hydrocarbon compound with the low boiling point.
  4. ASE can extract the substances such as acids. terpenes, aldehyde ketones and the big polar alcohols with low boiling point as well as the high boiling point.
  5. Conclusion The major chemical constituents of essential oil in Eupatorium adenophorum are terpenes.
  6. The results show that there are n-alkanes, isoprenoid alkenes, terpenes and stericles in the organics.
  7. Juvenility confactors have been identified as terpenes.
  8. Molecular transposition, which takes place principally in the process of the transfer of positive charge and the synthesis of irregular terpenes.
  9. The volatile terpenes consisted of 8 monoterpenes such as α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, linalyl acetate, etc.
  10. The extraction of chemical constituents including essential oils, alkaloids, terpenes, glycosides and natural pigments in traditional Chinese materia medica by supercritical CO2, extraction was reviewed with 32 references.
  11. It can be sure that steranes and terpenes may be used as indicators of serious-weathered spilled oils.
  12. The main type of the constituents is terpenes which is composed of the monoterpenes and the sesquiterpenes. Cyclic structure is the major type in all terpenes.
  13. New Progress in Catalytic Epoxidation Research of Terpenes
  14. Recent Progress in Research on Terpenes and Steroids from Marine Organism
  15. RESULTS: 86 compounds have been identified which contains a large number of terpenes.
  16. CONCLUSION: Terpenes of Fructus Corni has remarkable hypoglycemic effect on diabetes animal models.
  17. In this paper, systematic analyses of alkaloids, steriods, cardiac glycosides, saponins and terpenes, in aqueous, methanol, and petroleum ether extracts of Spirulina platensis are performed and preliminary results are obtained.
  18. The hypoglycemic constituents in natural products are classified as saponins, terpenes, polysaccharides, flavonoids, alkaloids and S-bond componds.
  19. The active compounds were divided into alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty acids, saponins, terpenes, coumarins, propyl benzene and styryl derivatives, amino acids, peptides and proteins etc by their structures.
  20. The main components are fats, proteins and terpenes, and the toxins are curcin and seed oil in physic nut seed.
  21. All of the new findings increase the structures of alkaloids and terpenes in T. wilfordii, expand the diversity of the compounds skeleton, which lay the foundation for further research and exploitation to T. wilfordii. 2.
  22. Geraniol has no remarkable effect on cell growth, it s suitable concentrations can boost terpenes accumulation. 2.
  23. Carotenoids is the most abundant terpenes pigment material in nature, widely exists in bacteria, fungi, and plants.
  24. Adding salicylic acid has no remarkable effects on cell growth and flavones accumulation, but can increase terpenes content and output.
  25. The chemical compositions of plants are alkaloids, flavonoids, lignans, terpenes, volatile oil type compounds.
  26. This study found that the characteristic aroma components of ECG were terpenes, including monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes vinyl.
  27. In this article, on the basis of previous study, we studied the regulation of flavones and terpenes accumulation in ginkgo biloba cell suspension culture, the preparation the cell extract of ginkgo biloba with high content flavones and terpenes, the pharmacological activity.
  28. Lots of terpenes were released and the releasing of aldehydes and alcohols were also enhanced when those trees were damaged, but the releasing of esters decreased.
  29. Irradiation dose had no significant impacts on color of cumin and the variety of terpenes.
  30. Raw materials mainly terpene alcohols aroma components, after the result of the pile fermentation, the appearance of the pile of aroma substantial reduction in alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, have slightly increased with a pile of tea with methoxy benzene and terpenes.