Include and configure fabrication and assembly testpoint report output generators within a self-contained and versatile Output Job Configuration file. 在内嵌而且万能的输出工作配置文件中配置加工和装配测试点报告输出生成器。
Testpoint is event driven. Testpoint是一种事件驱动开发平台。
Comprehensive Semiconductor Properties Test System Based on the Event-driven Development Platform of Testpoint 基于Testpoint事件驱动开发平台的半导体特性综合测试系统
The Program can measure, save and print the temperature parameter and demand history register. 上位机程序主要由可视化编程软件TESTPOINT编写,可以远程完成对温度参数的测量、保存、打印和历史记录的查询。
TESTPOINT is a visual programming soft on GUI ( graphic user interface) by America Capital Equipment Corporation. TESTPOINT是美国CapitalEquipmentCorporation公司生产的一种基于GUI(图形用户界面)的可视化编程软件。
The specific implement method is to design3classes: channel class, device class, and testpoint class. 具体的实现方法是设计三个类,即通道类、设备类和测点类。