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  1. Establishment of Liver Fibrosis Model Induced by Thioacetamide and its Diagnosis Discriminant Models of the Serum Indexes
  2. Establishment of Rat Hepatic Fibrosis Model Induced by Thioacetamide
  3. Effect of genistein on the expression of PDGF-BB in hepatic fibrosis of rats induced by thioacetamide
  4. A Rat Model of Acuted Liver Injury Induced by Thioacetamide
  5. Metheods: Used thioacetamide induced acute hepatic injury and used carbon tetrachloride induced chronic hepatic injury.
  6. Thioacetamide used as standard in determination of dissolved sulfide in water
  7. Changes of gastrointestinal propulsive motility were measured in rats of experimental fulminant hepatic failure due to thioacetamide.
  8. Acute hepatic injury induced by thioacetamide.
  9. A new noncrystalline ruthenium sulfide was synthesized by homogeneous phase precipitation Ru(ⅳ) with thioacetamide ( CH_3CSNH_2).
  10. Methods Eighteen rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups. The first group: 0.4% dilute suspensions of bletilla striata were intravenously injected to peripheral portal vein with 0.1% thioacetamide solution substitute for postoperative drinking water.
  11. Objective: To observe the effect of Danshensu on rat hepatocyte injury induced by Thioacetamide ( TAA).
  12. METHODS: Endotoxin, TNF-α and ALT ( alanine aminotransferase) levels were determined in plasma of acute hepatic injury rats induced by TAA ( thioacetamide), the results were compared with that obtained from RSM group.
  13. Well-dispersed copper acetamide sulfide nanorods were prepared by means of the solid-state reaction of copper acetate and thioacetamide in the presence of surfactant PEG-400 at a low heating temperature.
  14. CONCLUSION: ① GQK have protective effect on mouse hepatic fibrosis induced by thioacetamide.
  15. Effects of intestinal endotoxemia on pathogenesis of liver injury induced by thioacetamide
  16. Selective impairment of lipopolysaccharide on antioxidant system in rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by thioacetamide
  17. Changes of glycosaminoglycans in cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum were measured in rats with hepatic encephalopathy induced by thioacetamide.
  18. Copper monosulfide ( CuS) nanoparticles were synthesized by sonochemistry from an copper nitrate [ Cu ( NO3) 2] and thioacetamide ( TAA).
  19. Method Thioacetamide ( TAA) were intraperitoneally injected into Wistar rats once a day. In the pathological process, arterio-venous shunts ( A-V shunt) of gastric wall in the rats were observed by dual dye injection quantitatively.
  20. Objective To establish an animal model of acute liver failure ( ALF) with thioacetamide, and study the effects of smecta ( a protectant of gastric mucosa) on preventing endotoxemia.
  21. Objective: To assess the effects of shark hepatic stimulator substance ( sHSS) on thioacetamide ( TAA)-induced acute liver injury and liver mitochondrial function in rats.
  22. The common methods to prepare for ultrafine ZnS powder were chemically synthesized using thioacetamide ( TAA) as the source of sulphur. But with this reagent, the powder is easy to conglomeration and the raw material is expensive.
  23. Methods Experimental portal hypertensive rat models were established by injecting Thioacetamide intraperitoneally. One hundred and twenty eight rats were divided into normal control group, normal therapy group, model control group and model therapy group.
  24. Furthermore, the Raman and XPS measurement revealed that the Graphite Oxide ( GO) was reduced because of thioacetamide.
  25. Mentor Liu Lixin preliminary study found that hepatic fibrosis in rats induced by thioacetamide associated with the intestinal endotoxemia, so we use thioacetamide making the hepatic fibrosis model in rats.
  26. Present study used thioacetamide ( TAA) to induce cirrhosis in Se-adequate and Se-deficient mice and investigated the changes of liver selenoenzymes and Se status as well as the influence of Se supplementation.
  27. Under normal temperature, cadmium sulphide quantum dots were formed on the carbon nanotubes surface by decomposed the thioacetamide in an alcohol-water solution which contained ethylenediamine and ammonium acetate.
  28. Using thioacetamide as precipitator, the ZnS/ Al composite particle was prepared.