
网络  转座元; 座子; 转座子; 转位子; 跳跃基因



  1. The researchers constructed the transposons in such a way that they can carry the therapeutic gene into the target cell DNA.
  2. Study on Inheritance Divergence of Transposons in Polyploidy Fish and Gonad Development of Gynogenetic Fish in Molecular Biology
  3. Transposons are mobile DNA elements that can integrate into'foreign'DNA via a'cut-and-paste'mechanism.
  4. It is believed that DNA methylation has important functions in gene imprinting, for transposons and in vivo retrovirus silencing as well as the stability of the genome;
  5. In the period of 1994 to 1999, YANG Wen-Peng isolated a higher lysine mutant from Robertson's Mutator ( Mu) stocks, which contain mutations induced by insertion of Mu transposons.
  6. Mobilization of Transposons m Ping, Ping and Pong and Heritable Alterations in DNA Methylation Pattern Induced by Laser Irradiation in Rice
  7. Sequence analysis indicated that among clones that manifested significant homology to known-function genes are predominantly transposons or retrotransposons, as well as genes encoding for metabolic enzymes.
  8. Identify Methods for the Genome Sequence Flanking the Transposons
  9. And many catabolic genes are linked to inserted elements or transposons. Therefore, catabolic genes can be rapidly spread.
  10. This paper reviewed the developments of plant transposons in gene isolating and cloning, as well as its use in studying gene function in plant.
  11. Insertional mutagenesis using T-DNA, transposons and plasmids are commonly methods to creating a mutant library.
  12. As insertional mutagens or molecular tagging, transposons have been widely used for gene isolation, cloning and function study.
  13. UV B signaling pathway and specific UV B receptor, DNA damage, activation of transposons, molecular damage of photosynthetic apparatus and UV B regulation of related gene expression were included.
  14. Transposition mechanism of the transposons in Bacillus thuringiensis and their relationship with insecticidal crystal protein genes
  15. Antibiotic resistance gene have frequently been found to be encoded by determinants carried on mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids, transposons, and integrons, which are then responsible for the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes.
  16. Thus, we speculated than the multiple of transposons or its remains located in introns of silkworm GST genes could result in more and larger introns. 3.
  17. Fortunately, the silkworm genome sequence and a new assemble have been recently completed, and this provides us with a good opportunity for studying Tcl/ Mariner transposons of the silkworm at a genome-wide scale.
  18. Most extant bacteria and some ancient bacterial populations encode ( d) a conjugative system. There are several conjugative transfer units, including self-transmissible plasmids, mobilizable plasmids, transposons, and integrated conjugative units.
  19. Transposons are specific and independent DNA sequences with translocation features in genome.
  20. Multidrug resistance is frequently linked with DNA elements such as integrons, which can be located on transposons and plasmids but also on the chromosome. They can integrate and disseminate genes encoding resistance to a number of antimicrobial drugs.
  21. There are 4 types in these sequences: DNA transposons, LTR retrotransposons, LINE retrotransposons and rolling circles.
  22. Mobile elements or transposons are genetic elements that can move, and sometimes spread, within their host genomes.
  23. But now it is clear that transposons can cause some beneficial changes to adaptation and biological survival.
  24. Compared with other superfamilies of DNA transposons in the silkworm, Tcl/ Mariner elements are almost 90% of the whole DNA transposons.
  25. The results showed that every base in ITR sequences was important for the activity of transposons. Deletion of any base could result in failture of identification and cut of the transposons.
  26. Many of the currently known resistance genes are located on mobile genetic elements such as plasmids, transposons, integrons and genomic islands.
  27. Among them, LINE retrotransposons is the most frequent, followed by LTR retrotransposons, DNA transposons and rolling circles.