
英 [trɔːlz] 美 [trɔːlz]

v.  查阅(资料); 搜集,搜罗,网罗(人或物); 用拖网捕鱼
n.  (对资料、文件等的)查阅; (海上捕鱼用的)拖网


  1. VERB (在大量相似物中)搜索,搜寻
    If you trawl through a large number of similar things, you search through them looking for something that you want or something that is suitable for a particular purpose.
    1. A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves...
    2. Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show.
    3. Trawl is also a noun.
    4. Any trawl through the band's interviews will reveal statements that are challenging and incisive.
  2. VERB 用拖网捕(鱼)
    When fishermen trawl for fish, they pull a wide net behind their ship in order to catch fish.
    1. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish...
    2. We came upon a fishing boat trawling for Dover sole.


  1. Model for separating efficiency assessment of separator devices rigged in multi-level beam trawls
  2. Licences for using large trawls and purse seines in marine fishing shall be granted upon approval by the Department of fishery administration under the state council.
  3. Fish separating efficiency of sorting grid rigged in beam trawls
  4. On a sweltering summer Sunday afternoon last month, I went to Beijing's Houhai lake to see a vision of talent cultivation a world away from official trawls of rural schools.
  5. This paper suggested that it is needed to strengthen support of light seine for reasonable utilization of Pneumatophorus japonicus resources. Licences for using large trawls and purse seines in marine fishing shall be granted upon approval by the department of fishery administration under the State Council.
  6. The apparent weight of synthetic netting in water is negligible comparing with the hydrodynamic forces, therefore the trawls and their models are located in the self-modelling region of the generalized Froude number r.
  7. The Visc Application To Trawls Design
  8. The results of real tests of the height of net opening for bottom trawls at sea by using 441 kW fishing boats during the period of 1986 to 1992 are reported.
  9. In this paper, the analysis formulas for length of warp towed by single and pair trawlers are derived respectively from cable dynamics equilibrium equations with the ideal working state of trawls as boundary conditions.
  10. Midwater trawls are one of the most efficient fishing tools for exploiting pelagic fish resources. It is very important to control the position of the trawl vertically to suit the depth of the fish shoal for aimed trawling and fishing efficiency improvement.
  11. Preliminary study on operating performance of beam trawls in the offshore waters of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces
  12. The comparison between the model and full scale testing results of trawls