
(trial 的过去时) n. 审判, 试验, 艰苦, 麻烦事, 考验
a. 审讯的, 试验性的
trial 的过去式


  1. Previously available only in high-end shops, a 3D body scanner is being trialled on the high street – and promises to point shoppers to denim that fits and flatters.
  2. The garments were successfully trialled in M& S stores last December and Mr Lee is busy negotiating with the retailer to supply them with more of these and other greenpac products.
  3. The machines are being trialled to see how they measure up.
  4. Done properly, it should be more like that P& G nappy my friend once trialled: unobtrusive, indispensable and completely watertight.
  5. His sentiments are echoed by other researchers, one of whom calls for "stringent ethical review and public discussion" before field experiments are trialled.
  6. Supermarket giant Tesco successfully trialled the hi-tech store in a South Korean subway station and there are now plans to bring the concept to Britain.
  7. The latter case involved a "testing failure" in which engineers only trialled buzz internally and did not take into account how it would be viewed by the general public.
  8. An underwater robot that can hear the calls of whales, and so help ships to avoid them, has just been successfully trialled in the Bahamas.
  9. Italy trialled such a programme early last decade, selling property to a special purpose vehicle, an off-balance sheet entity normally used to isolate financial risk and associated with the 2008-09 crisis.
  10. Customers who trialled the TD-SCDMA handsets last year reported several shortcomings with the products, according to BDA, an advisory and research firm.
  11. The new scanners are just one of a number of new technologies being trialled around the world to make airports more secure, while speeding up boarding and reducing discomfort.
  12. In this paper, the structure, characteristic and trialled technology of the vacuum wood drying device, model ZG-2200 will be introduced.