Second, the brain truster has the double task with the plot and execution. 第二,智囊兼具谋划与执行的双重任务;
He once was a Roosevelt "brain truster". Soames Forsyte was a member of the board of the Providential Premium Reassurance Society. 他曾是罗斯福总统智囊团成员。
At the same time, invite the abroad many well-known expert to compose company's decision group of brain truster, introduce advanced management concept and the level of management of overall promotive enterprise in many ways. 同时聘请国外多名专家组成公司决策智囊团,多方引进先进的管理理念,全面提升企业的管理水平。
It is found that the incentive to truster and the punishment to trustee by changing the matrix of payoffs are two keys. 分析表明:通过改变得益矩阵,鼓励和褒扬信任者、惩罚和压制背信者,是企业内部横向信任关系向最理想方向进化的两个关键。
Chinese ancient brain truster system enlightens us at four aspects. First, we can draw lessens from the history experience, strengthen the construction of the brain truster system. 中国古代智囊制度对我们有四点启示:第一,借鉴历史经验,加强智囊制度建设;
The difference of benefit between truster and agent causes agency problem. 在委托代理关系中,委托人和代理人之间的利益不一致又产生了代理问题。
On the stage of raising enterprise pension, it need be actuarial evaluated by actuary firstly, then truster contribute enterprise pension according to actuarial report, truster is separate-entity of enterprise pension accounting at this time. 在筹集阶段,首先需要精算师对企业年金进行精算估计,然后委托人根据精算师的精算报告提存企业年金,此时的核算主体是委托人。
Truster submit enterprise pension fund to trustee for managing after entering operate stage, enterprise pension fund is separate-entity of enterprise pension accounting at this time. 在进入运营阶段时,由企业委托受托人运营管理企业年金,此时的核算主体是企业年金基金。